15 Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Will Have You On The Edge Of Your Seat
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15 Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Will Have You On The Edge Of Your Seat

What is the line between reality and theory?

15 Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Will Have You On The Edge Of Your Seat
Jason Silva

Conspiracy theories are quite possibly my favorite things to read in my free time. They range from conspiracies that could be true to straight up crazy theories that could never be possible. I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorites, I’ll let you decide which are the possible and which are the crazy.

1. The Moon Landing was Faked

First steps my butt! How did Buzz Aldrin plant a waving American flag into the surface of the moon? How does a flag move like that in a vacuum? The answer. It doesn’t.

2. The Hollow Earth Conspiracy

This one’s kind of self-explanatory. The conspiracy is that the earth is hollow, with people living inside our core, mantle, and crust. There are multiple people who claim they have lived in the center of our planet, they state that they are “the chosen ones.”

3. The Mandela Effect

The Mandela effect is a theory of parallel universes and alternate realities.Do you remember the books and show “The Bernstein Bears”? Have you looked at any of the books recently?

4. Megladon

This prehistoric mega shark supposedly went extinct 2.6 million years ago, some still believe Meg roams the depths of our ocean today. Megladon is 40-59 Feet long, while the average great white shark is half Meg’s size.

5. Katy Perry is JonBenét Ramsey

This theory is about the child beauty pageant queen murdered in 1996. Ramsey was found strangled in her home and to this day the case is unsolved. The conspiracy states that the death was faked and Katy Perry is really the pageant star. Also, Katy Perry had been in hiding until her breakout song was released.

6. Someone hanged themselves on the It’s A Small World ride at Disneyland

This conspiracy is usually seen as untrue. The story goes that the passengers on the ride were evacuated from the ride for “safety concerns.” While evacuating, a woman snapped a photo of the ceiling, take a look at the image here (WARNING this graphic is disturbing- if this story is real)

7. The moon doesn’t exist

This conspiracy is a bit of a stretch for me. Theorists believe the moon we all see in the sky is actually a hologram of a moon.

8. The Denver International Airport

The halls of this international airports are adorned with various suggestive murals. It is also said the airport has ties with the Freemasons.

9. Is the Illuminati real?

An elite organization of “world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet” (illuminatiofficial.org).An elite group making sure the humans on our planet are safe? I don’t know about you, but this seems a bit sketchy to me.

10. Avril Lavigne died and was replaced with a clone

In 2003 Avril Lavigne was replaced with Melissa. This theory states that at the beginning of Avril’s career, she wasn’t used to the spotlight so she hired a look-a-like to take the hits from the paparazzi. After Lavigne’s grandfather passed, it is rumored that she killed herself and the look-a-like took her spot for good.

11. The JFK Assassination

Some people believe Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t the only shooter on that day. The grassy knoll of Delay Park is said to be the perch of a possible second gunman. Also, the motive of the assassination is still a mystery. Some theorists believe the mob could be involved.

12. Area 51

This is where the government keeps the aliens and other extraterrestrial things. Does it exist?


The secret CIA project that took place in 1953-1964 which used people in mind control experiments. Can you say Eleven from Stanger Things?

14. Shakespeare didn’t write his plays

The Bard, the greatest literary hero of all time, may not have written any of his plays. There is no trace of Shakespeare’s handwriting on any of the plays “he wrote” and few signatures among all the documents he wrote. It is also known that Shakespeare did not like to travel. So how could he possibly know so much of the fair city of Verona, the setting of his most well-known play, “Romeo and Juliet”, if he never traveled to the local?

15. Paul is dead

This theory refers to the Beatles band member Paul McCartney. The conspiracy is that Paul died in a car crash in 1966 and was replaced with a look-a-like and of course a sound-a-like. The evidence for this theory is various “clues” hidden throughout the Beatles songs. When listening to songs backward you may catch a phrase hinting to this theory.

While conspiracy theories are fun to read, remember that not everything you read online is true.

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