8. Frozen custard is WAY better than ice cream. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

9 Midwestern Misconceptions That Midwesterners Weren't Even Conscious Of

It's Missour-ee, not Missour-uh!


Being a Missouri native, I definitely don't think that I have an accent or that Missouri is that different from other states. Being from the Midwest, most people assume that Missouri is just one piece of farmland (some places are indeed farmland), but most areas are not. Over the past few months, I have been meeting a lot of people who are not from the Midwest and really notice all its quirks. So, as a Midwesterner, I feel the need to "debunk" some misconceptions or quirks about my home state.

1. “Ope”


This HAS to be the first quirk because it is a crucial part of the Midwestern vocabulary. The word, "ope" is basically a word that is used when someone startles you or a mistake happens. To use it in a sentence, "Ope, I'm so sorry" after you ran into someone on accident. This quirk is something that I honestly didn't even realize I did until it kinda became a meme on Twitter. The tweet was originally posted by @Alex_but_online, then spread like wildfire. Now, as a Midwesterner who uses this word religiously, I am very conscious of it everytime I say it.

2. “Sneak right past ya”


Another vocabulary quirk, the term, "sneak right past ya," is something that I remember hearing from my grandma. It means that you are trying to go around someone without bumping into them. With this sentence, this would be an appropriate time to add "ope," to the beginning, and you would have a perfect Midwestern sentence.

3. Pop or Soda?


One of the biggest debates of the Midwest is the pop or soda debate. In Missouri, we refer to the bubbly beverage as soda, but our neighbor, Kansas, calls it pop. Contrary to the South who calls the drink, coke (which is so confusing, because what if I want a Sprite… is it still called a coke?), Missourians stand firm on the term "soda." Everything else just sounds so wrong, in our opinion.

4. We say tennis shoes, but apparently everyone else calls them sneakers?


I didn't realize this was a thing until a friend from the East Coast mentioned this to me. To me, shoes like Nike or Adidas are called tennis shoes. No, you don't use them to play tennis but it was just another term for shoes you wore when playing sports. However, apparently, everyone else refers to them as sneakers? But, in my opinion, sneakers are more casual shoes like Converse or Vans.

5. Puppy Chow


I have heard that this is a midwestern trend, but I could not believe that the rest of the country was going without this treat. Even though it has a weird name, this snack is delicious. Puppy chow is basically Chex cereal covered in peanut butter, chocolate, and powdered sugar. It is an easy party snack or something every Midwestern mother makes for their children after school. If you haven't tried it, go check it out!

P.S. No puppies are harmed or used in the making of this treat.

6. Ranch, ranch, and more ranch


We, Midwesterners, LOVE our ranch. Ranch dressing is literally put on everything. Don't get us wrong, we love ketchup, BBQ sauce, and all the other condiments. But, ranch will forever be the top choice.

7. Float trips


In the Midwest, we are not near any beaches, but that doesn't stop us. We love our local rivers and nothing screams summer more than a float trip with your friends. This has been something that I have been involved in since I was a child. Basically, you and your friends and family all get a bunch of rafts or Intertubes and just float down the river. Most trips usually contain A LOT of alcohol, so if you're 21+, that can definitely make the trip a little more enjoyable… or more memorable. But, honestly, it's really fun and it is a pretty cheap summer activity.

8. Frozen custard is WAY better than ice cream.


The Midwest is the only place that I know of that has frozen custard shops on literally every corner. From places like Culver's, that started in Wisconsin, to Andy's Frozen Custard, that started in Missouri, it's everywhere. Basically, frozen custard is a richer version of ice cream and contains more egg yolks than other frozen dairy treats. Plus, it is always PACKED with tons of amazing toppings. To Midwestern teens, the perfect Friday night always consists of a late night Andy's run.

9. Missour-ee or Missour-uh.


I had to include this one because I am a proud Missouri native, but the pronunciation is always very annoying. Most people pronounce the Show-Me State the first way, with the long e sound. But, I have noticed that older generations or people from the South say it with the "uh" sound. So just FYI, Missourians would appreciate it if you guys said it the right way; which is with the long e, please and thank you.

Now that I have explained this nine trends or quirks of the Midwest, I feel like I have done my duty and now, the rest of the country can understand our logic regarding our sayings, food, and entertainment.

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