5 Reasons Why 'Deadpool' Should Stay Rated R
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5 Reasons Why 'Deadpool' Should Stay Rated R

A defense of the Deadpool film.

5 Reasons Why 'Deadpool' Should Stay Rated R

Since the test footage leak of 20th Century Fox's "Deadpool" (2016), the Merc with the Mouth has taken control of the internet from the unusual-yet-comedic trailers to 4th-wall-breaking Television spots. While this movie has received a large amount of hype, it has also received a large amount of criticism. According to Screen Rants this past January, parents have begun a petition for Fox Studios to release a PG-13 version of "Deadpool" for their children to watch and enjoy the film. Along with that, parents and movie goers have also become upset with a superhero film having an R rating. While I respect the opinions of parents and moviegoers, I disagree with the idea that the film should be "kid friendly" or "fun for the whole family" and here's why.

1. This is not the first R rated superhero film.

If you look at the cinematic history of superhero films, this is actually not the first time that a superhero based film has been rated R. Take "The Punisher" (2004) for example. This was one of the first superhero films to have hardcore and violent action throughout the film. According to comics, the Punisher is basically known for shooting first and asking questions later. He is a highly trained vigilante in the area of war tactics and carries a large military arsenal. Throughout the film, there was a large amount of violence and swearing as the plot carried a very dark and gritty tone throughout. Other films include "Kick-Ass" (2010), and "Dredd" (2012).

2. Deadpool has always been known for being violent and chaotic.

If you are upset by the fact that "Deadpool" is an R rated Marvel based film, the chances that you have read a Deadpool comic or graphic novel are probably slim. Along the lines of R rated superhero films, Deadpool comics have been known for violence to the point of having a Mature rating on the cover. His behavior and violent fighting style all relate back to his origin story as a failed military experiment of the Weapon X Program. His violent nature along with his sarcastic and crude behavior add on to his overall execution on the comic book pages and eventually in the soon-to-be film. We're talking about the same character who single handedly killed off each member of the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Avengers in the miniseries "Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe" (2012).

3. Not all comic books superheroes are aimed towards children.

One of the many problems I have had when people become critical of R rated superheroes is when they say "Superheroes are meant for children!" While to an extent that is true, in other cases it is complete opposite. Alan Moore's legendary graphic novel "Watchmen" (1986) was anything but kid friendly just by looking at the first few pages. It was made for mature audiences where it covers more than simply good guys fighting bad guys. Controversial topics arise from government surveillance, acting outside the law, and even justifying genocide for the sake of humanity. Outside of plot points, it is also known to be violent and sexual. Sound like something for children?

4. Dedicated fans want an accurate Deadpool depiction.

In Fox Studios' 2009 X-Men film "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," Deadpool was poorly portrayed not so much by actor Ryan Reynolds as more of the crew of the film. His powers were inaccurate aside from healing abilities, he had his sarcastic mouth sewn shut, and had little to no dialogue throughout the film. Needless to say, it was a terrible portrayal. The same way the fans of a book series want accuracy in a film adaption, it is the same with comic book fans wanting to see their favorite heroes on the big screen. It is not just in appearance but also in his dialogue, fighting style, and his breaking of the 4th wall. Comic book fans have been waiting for nearly a decade for Deadpool to return to the big screen the proper way.

5. It is a separate from Marvel's cinematic universe.

Despite the fact that Marvel has done well for itself financially, the the cinematic universe has become more about quantity than quality. This is not to say that the entire MCU is terrible, but really, a majority of the marvel films are the same—underdeveloped villains, rushed training montages, protagonist armies that are uninteresting, hardly any civilians are killed off, property damage is small, and clean cut endings. It is a constant recycled plot in the MCU that it really just gets boring after a while. With "Deadpool," we get a completely different type of hero let alone overall story. New characters, interesting and enjoyable tone, and one that greatly sticks to comic source material regarding the main character(s). While the film does not get released for another week, it is obvious that it will be something completely different, something that audiences have not seen before.

As I said in the beginning, I understand parents' concerns for the film being rated R. That being said, it is not as if you have to take your child to go see it. If it's too violent for them, it's too violent. Deadpool has never been one to be family friendly. The fact he is a mercenary says it enough. What are your thoughts on the Deadpool film? Think it should be rated R or go towards the family friendly route?

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