The Impact That Special Education Made On My Life
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Student Life

The Impact That Special Education Made On My Life

We are more than just a club. We are a family.

The Impact That Special Education Made On My Life

I never realized that the day I signed my name on that piece of paper would change my life forever.

It was freshman orientation, and like most others in that cafeteria, I was excited, terrified and overwhelmed, but loved every minute of it. I wandered around, paying for my meals and getting my class schedule. My mom and I were about to leave when a single tri-fold board caught my eye. It was standing alone on a table against the wall of the cafeteria, completely untouched. I approached it out of being curious and my eye immediately drifted to the large colorful letters across the top that read, "Partner’s Club." I read further and found that this was an organization that helped with Special Olympics and did social activities with the kids in the Special Education department. I always adored working with kids, and I saw this as the perfect opportunity to put my foot in the door and make some friends.

I signed my name across that line and never looked back. Because of that, I have made the best friends, established fond memories, and grown as a person in so many aspects.

I spent four wonderful years in that club and I couldn’t imagine who I would be today without the influence of those kids on my life.

Six a.m. bus rides that lasted three hours to Unified Sports events were normal and loved. I spent Fridays having movie nights, fashion shows and going to see professional sports games. I traveled to Washington D.C. to speak with our public officials about funding a thing that was so near and dear to me: Special Olympics. I never saw myself learning so much from all these events.

Those kids taught me patience, acceptance, and humility. Because of them, I spent hours of dedicated work after school planning events, raising money and baking for bake sales. I did fun things, such as playing in unified sports events and going to the most spectacular dances. I also powered through the times that weren’t as enjoyable, such as holding a bucket under an athlete for 30 minutes while they threw up or having to watch as people openly judge the kids I worked with. However, all those late nights, sweaty bus rides, chaotic meetings and colorful events made the biggest impact on me.

I learned to stand up for what I believed in. There was never a time that I heard the “R” word used in the hallway and I didn’t call out the individual and try to educate them on how hurtful they were being. I learned that acceptance is more than just being kind—it is seeing past all the imperfections and realizing that those are the most amazing parts of a person. I learned that my life was more than just a GPA, a text message or a relationship. I had a group of people that adored me no matter how many times I missed the goal in Unified Soccer or how often I told cheesy jokes. I was more than just a stereotype or an imperfection that I saw about myself.

Because of these kids, I learned to give my time to others, to love myself, and to dance like nobody's watching, because hey, why not? I made some of my best friends in that club—some with and some without disabilities. However, in that club, labels didn’t matter.

I found my passion through that club and from those athletes. I’m going to be a speech-language pathologist, I’m on a committee for Special Olympics Oklahoma, and I hang out with those amazing kids every chance I get.

I never knew that making that commitment that day at freshman orientation would impact my life so greatly, but I know now, that I would never be the man I am today if I hadn’t found my spot with these kids.
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