The Illusion America Was Founded On
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The Illusion America Was Founded On

The ultimate illusion America created was President Obama.

The Illusion America Was Founded On

The President is African. (Or black, or African American. However you identify.) And the "black" community thought a "black" president was the answer to the problem. In all actuality things just got worse and once again the "black" communities are left fighting for our very lives. The presidency was formed in 1789 and won by George Washington, a slave owner, mind you. So it's safe to say if the first presidency was won by a slave owner then what separates president Obama's presidency from what it was basically constructed off of? The founding fathers where indeed racist, Washington, Jefferson, Clark, to Lincoln who so called "Freed" the slaves with the Emancipation, to Obama who has done nothing for the "black" community. An illusion was created and still exists today even though the President is African.

The illusion of presidency, freedom and an unconscious culture has lead the people of African descent to a new movement in America. I believe that it is worse than the 1960s civil rights movement because Obama, the media, an racism has the people of African decent fighting for survival. Self-Hate has been conditioned into the minds of the "black" community, even with the increase of degrees and education there is still a lack of knowledge of understanding on how racism works in America. The condition that our African ancestors were forced to slave in and the psychological abuse they endured doing slavery onto the civil rights movement was based on destroying the image mentally of the "black" person. To deal with the problems of racism in America we have to be understanding that racism is the problem and that our African ancestors were brought here to be slaves. We were never free from slavery and our cultural identities have been forcefully taken away. No thanks to Abraham Lincoln and all the way to Obama's presidency the people of African descent are still fighting for their rights and lives just as our ancestors did before us. The facts are there in cold blood but the "black" community has to re-educate the youth to understand why this hellacious act of genocide is happening in this present day.

Abraham Lincoln did not free the slaves from slavery, let's be clear on that. He merely transferred them from slave owner to the states. The Emancipation Proclamation issued January 1, 1863, by Abraham Lincoln was simply a transfer. Emancipation really means to let go from bondage, it also means a transference of ownership from the individual to the state. The Constitution has never applied, nor was it ever meant for black people. When the fourteenth amendment was ratified on July 9, 1868 it was supposed to be one of the reconstruction amendments, but not only did the Fourteenth Amendment fail to extend the Bill of Rights to the states, it also failed to protect the rights of black people. That was the reason for the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Our ancestors had to fight to prove black people are humans. Ignorance and racism go hand-in-hand!

American was built on slavery and through the years slavery has evolved into a systematic government. At this present time President Obama has not acknowledged or addressed any issues for the oppressed people of African descent. The oppressed people have failed to hold Obama accountable for doing nothing for our culture. Besides the police genocide Obama has done nothing to lower the incarceration of black Americans. Despite the an unemployment rate and the drop out rate, which is greater under a black president then it was under the last two previous Republican presidents. LGBT got three laws passed and a Supreme Court Justice under Obama. Latinos got a Supreme Court justice under Obama. What laws did Obama pass to protect black Americans from police genocide or improve the schools? The people of African descent have remained silent. Obama will be the first president out of 43 others that will exit his presidency term without being publicly challenged for ignoring black America for eight years.

We must break this illusion the media presents to black America. Whether it be the presidency, music, holidays or movies, the images the media puts out that represents black America are purposely misleading. The media is a critical part in the undermining of black America. Through the media Black America seems to have willing accepted a modified version of slavery, black on black crime, drugs, incarceration and even music promotes self-hate and ignorance. Due to the conditions forced upon black America, self-hate and ignorance is a key tool in the destruction of a culture! Once they destroy the image of black America in the public eyes, they began killing black Americans; it's not a big deal because they've already shown the public that the world would be better off without these people. Hitler did the same thing, before he started killing the Jewish community he used the media to under mind and prove that the world would be better off without the Jewish community.

Until black America is re-educated and unified as a conscience culture only then will change come about. Don't wait until racism knocks on your front door to care about racism in America. The time is now to speak up against racism and the genocide of black America.

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