If Famous American Cities Joined Sororities
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If Famous American Cities Joined Sororities

If Famous American Cities Joined Sororities

Ever wonder where the capital of this great nation would land on Bid Day? What letters NYC would wear in neon? Or what Miami would look like in pastels and pearls? 

Fear no longer! I, along with my fellow sister, have culminated an extensive list of 16 chapters, categorized by famous American cities. Based on values and personalities each chapter holds true, these cities are a fun way to distinguish between all the lovely houses and Panhellenic women . 

1. Alpha Chi Omega- Phoenix

Bright and sunny, Phoenix will bring a smile to your face just like the women of AChiO. A well rounded city, Phoenix offers you everything from great sports to art and music. AChiO's are some of the most diverse and involved girls on campus — just what you'll find in the beautiful city of Phoenix. 

2. Alpha Delta Pi- Charleston

A southern girl's dreamland, Charleston is the classy and quintessential town for hometown values and upbeat city life combined. The streets of downtown are filled with the cutest boutique fashions, exactly like the Adpi women, and feature old school architecture reminiscent of their blue and white house. 

3. Alpha Epsilon Phi- Boston

Known for an ivy league school and successful people, Boston fits perfectly with AEPhi. AEPhi women consistently have one of the highest GPAs on campus, which would easily get them to Harvard. Say hey to Elle Woods for us.

4. Alpha Omicron Pi- Las Vegas

The city of shining lights and big stars, Las Vegas is bound to be a fun time. An AOPi girl loves dancing and making friends and always kicks butt when it comes to performances. Their personalities are so bright, vivacious and larger than life and so is Vegas. Viva Alpha Omicron Pi. 

5. Chi Omega- Chicago

It's pretty much in the name, CHIcagO. Chicago is one of the coolest cities in the U.S., which makes sense, because the lovely ladies of Chi O are some of the best you'll ever meet. They're sweet and intelligent, but don't you dare root against their home team! Athletics and a city filled with beautiful sites are reasons why Chi-town and Chi-O are one in the same.

6. Delta Delta Delta- Dallas

Big hair and big personalities — the girls of Tri Delta exude Dallas charm at every perfectly executed turn. Dallas cheerleaders have flawless hair even though they're working so hard, which is pretty much the motto of a Tri Delta. Texans know how to be competitive and win, and Tri Delta just won overall winner at Pike Halftime. Go Delta, or go home. 

7. Delta Gamma- Miami

This one is a no-brainer. Miami is full of life, spunk, and beautiful people much like all the Delta Gamma women. Delta Gammas can light up a dance floor, even on the hottest of nights, which is perfect in Miami. Brimming with culture and that certain Miami spice, DG's are tan Panhellenic versions of this interesting city.

8. Delta Phi Epsilon- New York City

The trendiest city in the U.S., Delta Phi Epsilon is the perfect home for the city that never sleeps. In true NYC form, Deephs are always busy and they drink way more coffee than should really be medically safe — all the while looking perfect and Instagram ready. You'll probably find them with a phone in one hand, a deephercino in the other — and studying at the same time. Keeping it cool in their Ray-Bans, DPhiE knows how to bring big city flair to southern style charm. 

9. Delta Zeta- Washington D.C.

The city where our president resides and also the home to some very hardworking lovely women. Delta Zetas are some of the most involved on campus with student government. Plus, if you paint their gorgeous house white, it would look just like the famous residency of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Here's to hoping we see a DZ women in the Oval Office one day.

10. Kappa Alpha Theta- San Francisco

California is one of the coolest and laid back places to be, just like the sisters of kite throwing Theta. San Fran is known for being a haven for artists, dancers and performers of all kinds who came together for peace and love. Can't think of a better way to describe the boho loving ladies of Kappa Alpha Theta. 

11. Kappa Delta- New Orleans

Classy and sassy, New Orleans epitomizes the fun loving gorgeous girls of Kappa Delta. KDs do love their accessories, especially when they're beaded, colorful and can be worn at parties. Don't forget that KDs are the first girls you want to invite to get the party started. New Orleans is a city full of history and intrigue with a smile for everyone who lives there: exactly like any KD you are bound to meet. 

12. Kappa Kappa Gamma- Nashville

With that southern charm and a bit of a tough side, Kappas aren't afraid to rough it with the mountain boys of Tennessee. Combining all the class of the south with the cool music vibes of Nashville, Kappas are a sorority version of T.Swift (circa "Our Song") and the fab hair quality of Connie Britton (she is on a show called Nashville — look it up — why is it not on Netflix yet?).

13. Phi Mu- Savannah

The cutest little southern city you'll step foot in — Savannah, much like the lovely ladies of Phi Mu, is a charm-filled city with a new adventure at every corner. Brimming with shops and cute lunch spots, Savannah will transport you to a time of Scarlet O'Hara and grand staircases. Not to mention one of the best restaurants in town is called The Olde Pink House, a fitting title for Phi Mu's pink palace house on therow. 

14. Pi Beta Phi- Los Angeles 

The land of angels is the perfect city for this bunch of angelic Pi Phis. What better city to represent the bright and the beautiful than L.A.? Pi Phis shine brighter than Rihanna's diamonds and they definitely found love in a hopeful place. L.A. is trendy and bouncing with energy, and if you know any PiPhis, you'll know the same can be said about these Angels. 

15. Sigma Kappa- Philadelphia

Birthplace of American freedom and "sisterly" love, Philadelphia is the O.G. city for some pretty awesome leaders. Sound familiar? It should, because Sigma Kappas are all over campus leadership positions, like our Panhellenic Council president. Very impressive, much like the city itself. Sigma Kappas are pretty belles of the south, liberty bells that it. 

16. Zeta Tau Alpha- Atlanta

Otherwise referred to as HOT-lanta, the Zeta girls definitely live up to the name. Atlanta is a busy city full of sass and class — don't mess with the ATL. Zetas are ready to wear the crown the dirty south has deemed upon them and they'll do it with a hot-lanta step in their stride. Just like Nene, Zetas know a thing or two about running the show while looking perfectly fabulous. 

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