I Decided
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I Decided

"Oh God!"

I Decided

Big Sean is FINALLY back with some new music. The last album he put out was 'Dark Sky Paradise' which was, in my opinion, one of the best albums that year. Big Sean aka Sean Don has been out for a while, he's put out chart-topper hits like, 'Dance (A$$)', 'I Don't F*** With You', 'Marvin & Chardonnay', 'Play No Games', and so much more. His new album, 'I Decided.' starts off with...

1. Intro

The intro sounds like someone regretting what they did through their life, not feeling like they did enough and deciding at the end of their life that it was too late. It was a quick one minute song and the vibe of it was somewhat sad.

2. Light (feat. Jeremih)

He starts spitting on it and it took until after the first verse to realize that the song is about not letting anyone stop you from the light, a.k.a the goals you are trying to achieve. JEREMIH SOUNDS SO PEACEFUL. Basically what he is saying is, no matter how hard the world tries to knock you down, never let them take your light.

3. Bounce Back

Metro Boomin is on the beat, so of course, it is going to be fire. This has already been on the radio for a while and personally, I don't enjoy it very much. It's a song that is good for when you go out to 6th on Friday and have a terrible time, then the next night you go to the square and it's 10x better.

4. No Favors (feat. Eminem)

Big Sean's outlook on life is about doing everything on your own without any favors, just keep grinding until you make it even if you make it. He featured Eminem on the track who has been in hiding for quite a while himself and he ate his whole verse. Eminem made this song, it's basically his song now.

5. Jump Out The Window

The beat is nice, his flow on the song is typical Big Sean, (making you think when he raps.) The impression that I get from this song is that he is mad at an ex who got back with someone. It could be just a figure of speech or he's actually talking about someone he dated. Anyways, it's great.

6. Moves

Sean is just spitting on this song, his verses sound like fun freestyles in the booth. I wish the song was longer because it is so good, it definitely gave me 'Paradise' from 'Dark Sky Paradise' vibes.

7. Same Time, Pt. 1 (feat. TWENTY88)

Jhené sounds gorgeous, I really can't deal with her beautiful, angelic voice. I also wish the song was longer but knowing that there is a part 2 gives me hope. I like how they ended it on Jhené's part. They harmonized very well together, of course, TWENTY88 is the movement.

8. Owe Me

I followed along reading the lyrics while listening to the song, it sounds like there are some shots fired at Ariana Grande in certain parts. This song got me in my feels, the ending is sad because it's crazy how celebrities just want love but the media portrays it as just another publicity stunt.

9. Halfway Off the Balcony

I really enjoyed this song because Big Sean started rhyming like Dr. Suess. His cleverness in this song really paid off, and I like when his voice gets chopped and screwed but then slowly goes back to normal. This song is a bunch of cleverness, I am assuming this is about not feeling good enough about yourself and what you are doing.

10. Voices In My Head / Stick To The Plan

I was not expecting a part one and part two of this song. The first half of the song ('Voices In My Head') is Big Sean outwardly speaking about the people's voices around telling him he can do better, and then the second half ('Stick To the Plan') is his own voice saying, "Don't listen to what other people have to say and stick to what you planned on doing and shine." It kind of felt like 'Father Stretch My Hands Pt.1' and 'Pt. 2' and how it switches from one song into another so smoothly.

11. Sunday Morning Jetpack (feat. The-Dream)

This song gave me the chills when I put two and two together that it was about his family. He is reminiscing about his family back in Detriot. The-Dream sounded like an angel from heaven. The ending is the old version of himself asking if he's going to answer the phone or let it ring forever. He finally answers it as his young self and it is his mom.

12. Inspire Me

Sean loves his family, his mom inspires him to be a better person every day and to not let negativity get in the way of his greatness. You can tell from his verses how passionate he is about his mom, it's always great to see rappers and other artist dedicate songs or express how they feel about their moms in song.

13. Sacrifices (feat. Migos)

This song is real as f*** because everyone makes sacrifices for what they want and love. You can make a sacrifice every day and you don't even know. Offset and Quavo were a great addition to the song, I can relate to this song on so many levels.

14. Bigger Than Me (feat. The Flint Chozen Choir & Starrah)

In this song, Big Sean is looking at his life and realizing what he is doing, is bigger than what he thinks. There are people looking up to him as a role model and leader and he doesn't know. At the end, he's having an inspirational conversation with his mom about everything he is doing. The Flint Chozen Choir blends everything together beautifully in the background and Starrah's flow is unexpectedly nice.

I definitely give this album a 10/10. My expectations were set high because of 'Dark Sky Paradise' but it was a lot better than I thought it would be. It definitely was up to par with his other albums, I think it deserves plenty of awards.

"The point I gotta prove is that I did everything they told me not to do." - Big Sean



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