Ideas for Dealing with Carpet Mould Naturally!
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Ideas for Dealing with Carpet Mould Naturally!


Ideas for Dealing with Carpet Mould Naturally!

Carpet moulds are one of the worst categories of problems you can face as an owner. Dealing with carpet moulds is not easy as they leave difficult stains, release odour, and deteriorate carpets if not treated on time. Furthermore, they even affect your health by triggering allergies. Availing services for mould removal Brisbane is an ideal way of dealing with carpet moulds.

Thankfully, you can also try mould carpet stain removal at home using natural ingredients. And, here, we have mentioned a few ideas that help in dealing with carpet moulds naturally!

Read on to know more about natural ways of cleaning carpet moulds!

Vinegar and Baking Soda

Vinegar and baking soda always top the list of natural carpet mould removal ingredients. This combination is unbeatable and can be used for cleaning tiles and curtains as well.

White vinegar is effective in killing moulds and baking soda works wonders in removing moulds from places that cannot be machine washed. For removing carpet moulds using baking soda and vinegar, you just need to follow these steps:

  • Mix some vinegar with water and add it to a spray bottle. Spray the solution all over the carpet thoroughly. Ensure you don’t leave the carpets drenched.
  • Allow the solution to seep in for a few minutes. Later, dab the carpet using a dry cloth to remove excessive moisture. Check if the carpets feel barely moist.
  • Now, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the carpet. Target the moulded areas more, and leave it overnight.
  • The next day, vacuum the carpet surface thoroughly so the baking soda is removed. Check if the carpets look and feel fresh.

Steam Cleaning

For removing carpet mould, carpet steam cleaning Adelaide is one reliable method. The high temperature released through steam is effective in killing moulds and bacteria lurking in your carpets. Further, the brush attached to the steam cleaning machine helps in removing dirt particles trapped in the carpet fibres as well.

For cleaning your carpets using the steam machine, just add some water, and let it heat. Once the water heats, run the steamer on the carpets thoroughly. Feel free to add a few drops of cleaning agent in case the carpet is dirty. See the results yourself!

Tea Tree Oil

To your surprise, tea tree oil can be used for cleaning moulds from the carpets. And, not just any fungal growth, tea tree oil is effective in eliminating black mould as well!

This is one simple DIY hack for eliminating carpet moulds, as you just need to follow these steps:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of tea tree oil in 1 cup of water and add them to a spray bottle.
  • Sprinkle the solution generously and let it sit on the carpet for an hour.
  • After an hour, wipe the solution using a microfiber cloth or dry towel. Check the results, and feel free to repeat the process.
  • Ensure you wear gloves before proceeding with the steps, as tea tree oil can irritate your skin.

Homemade Shampoo

For cleaning carpet moulds, you can make an easy homemade shampoo using simple cleaning agents like liquid detergent, an all-purpose cleaning agent, some fabric softener and a gallon of hot water.

  • Mix the solution in a large bowl and apply it to the carpet.
  • Scrub the moulded area gently using a brush with soft bristles. Feel free to use a rotating machine for cleaning carpets if you have easy access.
  • Let the carpets dry and vacuum them later so all the mould spores can be eliminated!

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural and safe chemical having antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Using this chemical you can easily get rid of carpet moulds at home. For quick mould removal, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Take 3 parts of hydrogen peroxide and 2 parts water, and mix them thoroughly.
  • You can either store them in a spray bottle or keep them in a bowl.
  • Spray the solution on the carpets and let it sit for 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can use a damp cloth to apply the solution to the carpet.
  • Now, scrub gently using a brush or a towel to remove the moulds from the carpet surface.
  • Let the carpets dry and vacuum them later.

Tips for Keeping Moulds Away From Carpets!

Moulds start thriving in moist and humid conditions, that is why it is important to control the humidity of your home.

  • Ventilate your home properly by opening doors and windows and turning on dehumidifiers whenever necessary.
  • Take care of stains immediately and keep a check on leakage issues.
  • Call professionals for professional deep cleaning of your carpets!

Final Words

Follow our tips to protect your carpets from getting damaged by moulds and mildew. Ensure you keep the tips in mind for preventing mould growth!

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