Hungry For God
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Hungry For God

A journey of satisfaction in Jesus

Hungry For God
Zachary Nelson

On August 19th, 2013, the Lord called me to a Daniel fast for a whole year. It was the biggest step of faith I have ever taken. My life changed completely. The way I eat has never been the same. The way I see God changed tremendously. The way I look at myself was also transformed.

This year-long consecration had 3 stipulations: First, I was to take away from my diet all of the land animal meats and dairy. Aside from that, I was eating as many whole and natural grains as possible. Second, I was not allowed to hold any ministerial position for the year. Third, I could not entertain any romantic interests during that time.

Not only did I change tremendously spiritually, but the change was evident in my body as well. I lost 70lbs without meaning to; solely being obedient during this season of consecration.

The Lord taught me so much during that year. It was the beginning of painting the picture of what my life was to become. Unfortunately, I lost many of the things I learnt. But fortunately, God is placing me in a season where I get to re-learn these things again. I am writing this article to share this wisdom and to remind myself of the lessons. Below, are three of the priceless things I learned.

1. My Body. His Temple.

I came to understand that my body really truly is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Everything I do is a spiritual act of worship. What is whole and good and acceptable unto God is what I am to do with my body. He is worthy of all worship and adoration. But can I worship God with my body when I am eating away my anxieties? Can I really worship Him when I am eating something I know is not good for me?

The way I felt after I began the fast was surreal: I had more energy than I ever had in my entire adult life. My thoughts were clearer and I had more peace than I was accustomed to. I was feeding my body good things, and I was reaping good things. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit inside me was stronger than it had ever been. My moments of prayer were filled with third heaven worship and out-of-body experiences. I was utterly satisfied in Him. The Lord became my food day and night. He was my real meat. He made me strong.

I remember asking Him during prayer, "Lord, but why must I fast? There are other foods more accessible than these ones." He said to me, "I require you to eat what is good, real and whole, but what's accessible is what people want to give me. They want to give me what is cheap, what doesn't cost anything and doesn't have nutrients or sustenance."

So, I have learned that God wants us to have the real and costly. He's not pleased with just any kind of offering. This gave me a new depth of perspective into Abel and Cain's offerings. (Genesis 4)

2. Who Am I?

The second stipulation of the consecration was that I could not hold a ministerial position. That meant I could do ministry, but without being committed to a title. See, before the fast, I spent 2 years doing ministry anytime and anywhere. I identified myself as a Prayer Leader and Counselor. I did not know how to not be these things and this left me in limbo whenever I was not ministering. I remember asking God why He had taken me away from this. He said, "Because you need to discover who you are aside from your gifts."

I truly did not know who I was aside from my gifts. I also didn't know how to do things for me. To be honest, I still find myself wondering why it is important. I'll tell you simply why -- It is important because God loves me. All of the things I minister to others are for me too. I, too, need the love of the Father. I need His Sabbath rest. I need Him just as much as the next person.

During that time, I learned many things about myself. I found out I am a huge introvert and that I re-charge in solitude. I am my best when I read and write as much as I desire. I enjoy every leisure activity that makes me come alive.

I danced so much during that time. I began to run on a regular basis, and I'd run praying. I found a correlation between the strength in my spiritual life and the strength in my body. I was running nearly 5 miles every day and I was stronger than I had ever been. I was truly unveiling Anel. It was a season of rest, self-discovery and adventure with God.

3. I Need Him And Only Him

Just days after my fast began, I remember craving meat really badly. I said to the Lord, "God, I really want meat." But suddenly, out of my spirit came another response, "But I want you more, God." I desired Him more than anything else in my life. What I discovered is, this relationship is all I need to sustain everything else.

I could not wait to get back to my room and talk to Him, and He would immediately take me to the third heaven. I would be gone for a whole hour, and it felt like only 5 minutes had passed.

I was incredibly satisfied in Him. There was joy wherever I was. I turned 27 that year but it felt like every day was my birthday. I was looking forward to every day with God. One more day meant one more exciting adventure. It was amazing.

But, what happened? Why did I lose all of this?

In short, I was so ignorant. I felt lonely because no one else around me was experiencing this. I felt opposition from my circle of friends. I thought I must have been doing something wrong. But the truth is that God was just showing me a new way to live my life.

Besides this, I thought that this season was going to be over when the year ended. I went back to living and eating the way I had before. I never could really, but I tried.

Where am I now? The Lord is calling me to this level of consecration again. The only thing is, this time it is not a year thing. It is a lifetime matter, a new life. Part of me is scared because I don't know what's going to happen next, yet another part of me is incredibly excited.

I'm hungry and thirsty for the Living God and His will upon my life. I am going to adventure toward newer depths and see what happens when deep calls out to deep.

How about you? How are you hungering after God in this season?

"As a deer pants for flowing streams,
so pants my soul for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God,
for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God?
My tears have been my food
day and night,
while they say to me all the day long,
“Where is your God?”
Psalm 42:1-3
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