10 Struggles You've Experienced If You've Traveled Alone
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10 Struggles You've Experienced If You've Traveled Alone

Who's gonna watch your bags when you need to pee? NO ONE.

10 Struggles You've Experienced If You've Traveled Alone

If college could be summed up in one word, it would be "independence." You alone chose whether you go to class, drink that beer, or wash those clothes. You're free to do whatever it is your heart desires because it's all on you. And while I, like most college students, have come to embrace and love this new sense of independence, there's one area in my life I've discovered that I want nothing more than to trade that independence in exchange for being able to clutch my mom's hand: when I'm traveling in an airport alone.

Does this desperate desire come from the fact I lost both my boarding pass and driver's license while going through security when I was coming home last break? No comment. But come on, I can't be alone in my hatred for traveling alone, right? The "buddy system" has been beloved for generations for a reason! Well anyway, here are my top 10 struggles I've encountered when traveling alone...

1. Getting to the airport

Yeah, I'd rather not uber to the airport by myself for $100 and listen to my creepy driver rant about politics and traffic for 45 minutes. I JUST WANT TO GO HOME.

2. Waiting in the TSA line alone

Since I don't have anyone to distract me, this where my mind does one of two things: scan for potential terrorists and mentally prepare myself for removing shoes, a coat, and a laptop using only my two hands while Bob the Businessman breathes down my neck. It's a grand time, let me tell you.

3. Lugging luggage solo

You can catch me at O'Hare airport wrestling with rolling two massive suitcases just about any major school break. It's harder than it looks, okay?! I swear those wheels are fake sometimes...

4. Dealing with other single passengers

Sir, I know you think you're being nice striking up conversation with the lonely college student who looks like she's 15 waiting for her flight. But it's 6:00 am and I can barely keep my eyes open let alone carry on small talk. So please, SHHHHHHH...

5. Having to use the restroom

Do I try to exercise ultimate "mind over bladder" control? Or, second choice, do I chance it that the nice mom-looking lady two seats over would watch my bag for me while I pee and not actually steal my laptop? Should I just pick option three where I lug my multiple bags down the terminal and shove them in a nasty bathroom stall with me? WHY AM I ALONE?!

6. Struggling to reach the overhead bins

This where my solo travel trips get entertaining for my fellow passengers. There's nothing quite like watching a 5'2" female who has the weakest upper body known to mankind try to lift and fit her carry on into the overhead bin.

7. Getting the middle seat by default

Yeah, it's great that the Jones family gets to sit together, and trust me, I know as a smaller female it only makes sense that I take the middle seat in situations like this. But that doesn't mean that the middle seat is any less awkward or terrible.

8. Having no one to complain to

When Kenny the Kicking Kid and Susan the Sicko are my fellow passengers, suffering in silence for the two and half hour flight is a special type of torture.

9. Falling asleep and missing the free snacks

Yes, I'm a college student who tends to nap any spare moment I get. Which unfortunately means that as soon as the plane's wheels leave the ground, I'm out like a light. And since I'm alone, there's no one grabbing an extra bag of free peanuts for me to eat when I wake up hungry. It's a tragedy, I know.

10. Getting picked up by family is the best


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