How to sell flowers Great business!
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How to sell flowers Great business!

Do you want to start a good business? The sale of flowers can become a great success if you undertake it as a true successful entrepreneur. In this article I will continue teaching you how to sell flowers.Here I teach you with a good business model. That is to say that you will not only sell flowers as an ordinary person, but you will also set up a business that will be little by little a company that everyone will talk about.In other words, we will respond to How to sell flowers in a very professional way?

How to sell flowers Great business!

In "Expender facile" we care so much that you learn that we do not settle for explaining everything in an article. This is already the second part of «how to set up a florist shop», «how to sell flowers», «set up a flower shop» ... or whatever you want to call it.In the first part we did everything that an entrepreneur should do . What we did was to study the market to see if it was convenient for the business we had planned to set up. The numbers do not deceive, and apparently we are facing a business in high demand.I invite you to see the first part which is the following:How to Mount Your Own Business and Sell Flowers (Step by Step)There we also learned that we must make a business plan. It is forbidden to start a business without a plan!Doing or not doing this is one of the things that differentiate successful entrepreneurs from failing businesses. That is why we proposed setting up a business plan called «Canvas Model».This consists of describing each of the boxes that are truthful below:

Do not be scared that here I am to help you develop each of them. Already in the previous article we started, and we said that our sale of flowers should be something striking.Nothing to say I sell flowers and now! But go beyond. So we decided that our value proposition would be:This means that more than buying and reselling flowers, we are specialists in decoration. Great!Since you know this summary Lets continue modeling our business step by step!2-Looking for the Best Customer It cannot be anybody!One of the most common mistakes when it comes to selling is to think: "The more potential customers, the more clients I will have", or in other words "The more people I write the more I will sell".Although this raises some logic, this is not always the case. Because if you sell lipsticks for women, and you target 5000 people, there are many! But they turn out to be all men. You will not sell anything!It would be better to target 100 women than those 5000 men, do not you think? That's why there is "Customer segmentation".That is, describe how people should be so that they can buy us. What characteristics should they have?Following our example, in this step we would say that our clients should have the following characteristics:• Sex: men or women (at the end of the day, either of you can organize an event or want to buy a nice arrangement).

• Age : 18-50 years (it is very rare to see someone outside this age range organize a party, but this does not mean that if a 55-year-old client arrives, we will not attend it).• Geographic location: within our city or nearby cities. It is important to keep this in mind, since when investing in advertising we should not aim beyond these places (we would be losing time and money). In addition we will deliver home You imagine that the customer is from another country!• Special feature: person who wants to organize an event. Although there are people who would like to have a flower arrangement as an ornament at home, we will not point to them (although if they arrive, well!). We will point to the events.If your value proposal is more specific and you will only work only with weddings (for example), in special features you must place it. It is very important, and you will notice it in the next step.3-Knowing how to get to the customer - The answer to how to sell flowersHere the importance of the previous step is reflected. Well knowing the client is easier to know what means to use to reach them.For example: imagine that our client were 70 years old. Could we use the internet to reach them? I do not think so.So we have to:• We must know our customers.• Based on this knowledge, look for ways to make contact with them (this is what we will do in this step).Physical and / or common channels:Includes: local, brochures, posters, face-to-face promotion...In our business selling flower arrangements we will have a store. This must meet some requirements:• Location of easy access by customers and where many people circulate It must be a strategic place!• Must have very bright posters and ads on the outside. That is, the person who passes knows what is sold there. If you can see the sample arrangements by means of a transparent glass much better. Clients are very visual!On the other hand we can promote in the streets:• Delivery of brochures (catalog).• Paste posters in strategic places: For example in places where items are purchased to complement an event. If it's a wedding, we can stick posters where they sell dresses, cakes, snacks ...• Advertising on the radio and press.Online Channels:Here we will use the internet as a medium. That is, blogs, social networks, online videos...For our business:• We will create accounts in different social networks ( See what social networks are best for your business ).• We will design a website where we will offer our services as well as make visible the prices and offers.• We will have a blog to share information. Remember that our website will be somewhat static, however we need a site to share information of value for customers such as "How to choose the best centerpiece with flowers for my wedding" ... If you work very well these writings, when someone looks for that in Google he will find you and so you take advantage to promote your products.• We will create tutorials on YouTube on how to make floral arrangements (we will gain audience)• We will pay ads campaigns to promote all our past media. Here the importance of segmentation is very much reflected, because in these campaigns you must make it very clear who you want to see advertising.What else is needed?It takes a lot, but we already have a good base to continue. We already have:• A Value Proposal• Who will be our customers?• And the way we will get to them.But what happens once we have won the customer? Everything ends? No way! Remember that not everything is that the customer arrives once and I buy you an arrangement. You should strive to become a loyal customer.

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