11 Ways To Make This Semester The Best Semester
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11 Ways To Make This Semester The Best Semester

Helpful Advice to Get You Through the Semester

11 Ways To Make This Semester The Best Semester

If you're like me, then the last semester kicked your butt, big time. Lots of papers, projects, and overall chaos. While some things are beyond our control, there are some things you can do to make this semester one of your best ones yet!

1. Schedule, Schedule, Schedule

Perhaps the most crucial part of the semester is knowing what's going on. This can include projects deadlines, special events, visits home and whatever else you may have. A good idea is to make 2 calendars. First is a basic one with your classes, appointments, meetings, and whatever else. The second is the most important one. List out every day until the end of the semester and, when a teacher gives you an assignment, put it on that list. Sometimes you'll luck out and the teacher will give you all assignment due dates on the syllabus. Put them all in at the same time. It doesn't take too long and you'll thank yourself for it later.

Bonus tip: COLOR CODE. Give every class a color, then make sure to include schedule modifications (days off, registration days) as well as special events (such as concerts or shows).

2. Plan Time with Friends

There's nothing worse than not being able to see your friends because of classwork. Plan in some time to get dinner, froyo, or just hang out. This isn't a study session. It's a time to simply relax and enjoy your friends. Everybody needs some time to unwind and there's nothing that helps more than spending time with friends.

3. Talk to Your Professors

Contrary to popular belief, your professor won't get mad if you go to office hours. In fact, they'll be overjoyed. Can't make office hours? Talk to them and figure out an ideal time for both of you. If your professor isn't awesome and is a grouch about it, go talk to another professor in the department or the department head. While most professors are accommodating, there are a few that aren't. Talking to the department head should help with that.

4. Take Care of Yourself

Perhaps the greatest part of advice I've ever heard is that sometimes you need to cuddle up with some Ben&Jerry's and watch Netflix all night, and that's perfectly fine. Sometimes you need to relax for the night. As long as you aren't procrastinating a project, this is great. Have a treat, do whatever you do to relax and do it. Don't do it every weekend, but if you feel you need a break, take one!

5. How do You Eat an Elephant?

I used to assist with a training course that helped aspiring leaders and the topic always came up of accomplishing goals. So, let's say you have a big project due on the day of the final. Your teacher told you about it on the first day of class and it's a huge project. The analogy I always use it how you would eat an elephant. Most people say that it's impossible and, when you see the project you will probably think so too. Instead, tackle it as you would the elephant: one bite at a time. Do little bits of the project every week so by the time it's due you haven't pulled three all-nighters. Take it in chunks and you'll thank yourself when it's due.

6. Keep an Eye on your School's Social Media or Calendar

Every so often there may be something that peaks your interest- a play, a free concert, a lecture, whatever it may be. If you can attend, do it. Most colleges will give free/reduced prices to enrolled students to plays and concerts. Find clubs at your school that are fun clubs- maybe they show movies on the weekend or put on concerts. These all help to break up the monotony of everyday life, plus they're fun!

7. Talk with your Adviser

Your adviser is great because they know what you need to graduate, which can be one of the most confusing things in your college career. Talk to them at least once per semester and make sure you're on track. They can help you with next semester's classes, as well as offer resources if you're struggling this semester. Never be afraid to admit what's troubling you in a class. If it's something they can help you with, they will. If it's not, they will find somebody who can.

8. Get Some Sleep

Sure, 2 AM is a really relaxing time to contemplate life, but don't do it all the time. Our bodies need sleep. Try to go to bed at a reasonable hour and make sure you set an alarm (a spare one too if you have a test that day!). A late night every once in a while is fine, but if you start pulling all-nighters all the time you will start to regret it and your grades will sink.

9. Talk with your Career Center

Hopefully, your school has excellent resources to help get you started in the career process. The real world is extremely daunting. Start off by making an appointment and figuring out what you need to do. Also, keep in mind that certain professions don't necessarily have internships or are a slightly different job application. Maybe your friends already have internships and you don't. That's perfectly natural. You go at your pace on your career path.

10. Eat Your Vegetables

Yes, I'm going to give you the lecture. But seriously, fruits and veggies give your body necessary nutrients. Eating junk food all the time won't be great for you. Try having a salad every once in a while, and not one of those that is filled with junk. Have a simple garden salad. Opt to have fruit for a snack instead of a whoopie pie. Your body will thank you and you will feel better than if you just ate junk food.

11. Get Some Fresh Air

This goes along with the fruits and veggies lecture. If you're cooped up inside all day in class, then go back to your dorm, you miss out on the wonderful thing we call the outdoors. Fresh air is so wonderful for the body and you will thank yourself. Don't just open a window and think that's enough. Go outside and feel the air on your skin, breathe it in, and hear the sounds of campus. Once it's warmer weather outside, do your homework outside, play frisbee in the quad, and go for walks with friends.

And there you have it. Here's hoping that you survive this semester! (You will because you're awesome)

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