How I'm Preparing For Student Teaching | The Odyssey Online
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How I'm Preparing For Student Teaching

4. Write down important dates NOW.

How I'm Preparing For Student Teaching

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Beginning February 3rd, I'll be student teaching; first in a second-grade class, then in a high school. To say I'm anxious or not prepared even slightly is an understatement. I've spent the last few weeks doing some digging online to gage other educators' experiences and there are several things I've started doing myself to prepare for this newt adventure.

1. Watch YouTube videos from first year teachers. 

These educators specifically have just themselves completed student teaching most likely, so hearing their experiences and advice has been super comforting.

Here are some of my favorites: haileykatelynn, Five Foot One Teacher, and Elementary In The Mitten.

2. Build up my supply of "teacher clothes."

Obviously, when going into the school full time, you're dressing as a teacher. Building up my teacher clothes for me has meant getting some more pairs of Pixie Pants from Old Navy (seriously they're the best) and neutral tops that I can utilize with a variety of pants and styles. After Christmas sales are a real thing!

That being said, also take the time to purge the items you really don't need or use.

3. Contact my new CT early on. 

I personally wanted to wait until after the holidays, but reaching out to my new CT was a comfort to me more than anything simply because it's opening the door for me to learn about who I'll be spending time and learning from as well as familiarizing myself with what to expect.

4. Write down important dates NOW.

Between university mandatory dates as well as planned school closings, I went in my new 2020 planner and wrote everything in. By doing this, I can plan accordingly going forward.

5. Clean, clean, clean.

Take the time now, before all the busy, craziness starts, to clean up your life (whether it be your house/apartment, clothing, desk, etc.) so you can start off on the right foot.

6. Get healthy. 

We're speaking about mental health, physical health and all in-between. Student teaching can be a LOT so making sure you're at your prime prior to walking into the experience is key to being successful.

Overall, I'm doing anything I can do be prepared in all the ways - these are just a few I've found that work for me. What advice do you have?

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