For the first 16 years of my life, I was a very depressed, angry little guy.
I refused to accept anyone into my life and I fought tooth and nail to prevent attachment. My deepest hatred was for Christians. I always had the thought process that no one should be able to tell me what is right and wrong, especially when they worshiped an invisible deity. I didn't need someone to "pretend" that they were my friend or to "act" like they cared about my day. So I made it a personal goal to avoid Christianity like the Plague. Along came middle school, I hit rock bottom.
I attempted suicide two times and secluded myself even more.
I went to counseling and hated everything even more. I had so much hate in my heart that I wouldn't even accept help from my mom. I despised her. She had no right to tell me what I was going through because she had no idea of the magnitude of my situation. Then the defining moment of my teenage years came along, high school. Freshman year, I was pretty much unknown. Sophomore year, I knew a few people. Then came the best year of my life, Junior year. It started out rough, I will admit that. But before we got out for Christmas break, I made friends. Now these friends were different than anyone I had ever come across at this point in my sad life. They were Christians that focused on being Christ-like and not being judgmental fakes. Over the next few months, something clicked and I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior.
Coincidentally, my mom wanted to find a church the next month. So I got plugged into my church and got baptized within five months of getting saved. From that point on , I became a leader and learned how to teach and walk with God through complete devotion. This brings us to more recent events, I am studying English and then I intend to go to seminary so I can become a pastor. One of the greatest things I have ever retained is that the greatest sermons and messages can simply be a personal story, your testimony and that is the one thing I will hold dear for many years to come. I was saved from self-destruction because I allowed myself to be transformed.