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Help! I Can’t Sleep!

Having trouble sleeping? Here are some tips to help you get your necessary beauty sleep.

Help! I Can’t Sleep!

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We have all had trouble sleeping before. Whether it be stress, illness, loud neighbors, or just an inability to shut down our brains, a lack of sleep really is no laughing matter. In fact, studies show that eventually, it could kill you. This is due to a variety of reasons. A lack of proper rest decreases our reaction time, which increases the rates of car accidents. Sleep deprivation also takes a toll on the immune system and your mental and emotional health. We all need sleep (ideally 8 hours a night for adults), but many of us aren't getting it. Here are some helpful tips to resolve this issue:

Have a set bedtime.


It's no secret that human beings like and are productive within comfortable routines, and making it a habit to go to bed at the same time every night helps your body regulate itself, according to the National Sleep Foundation. If you go to bed at 10 p.m. and wake up at 6 a.m. for enough days in a row, eventually you won't need an alarm clock. Your body will recognize the routine and manage your melatonin levels for you.

Stop eating and drinking before bed.


Your body doesn't like to be digesting while you're trying to sleep. Having too much food in your stomach while lying down can actually make you nauseous as well. As for the drinking, having your sleep interrupted by a 2am bathroom break is never helpful. There are numerous risks to eating before bed, and it is recommended that you stop snacking at least a couple of hours before.

Put your phone down.


The blue light emitted from your phone, tablet, computer etc. increases activity and suppresses Melatonin production. Having that constant activity makes it difficult for the brain to slow down and rest, and throws off your circadian rhythm. If you set aside your screens for a half hour before bed, this gives your mind a chance to relax and slow down, helping you be ready to shut your eyes the minute your head reaches your pillow.

Stay away from your bed during the day.


If you designate your bed as the place where you sleep, the association with it and rest will stick with you. Don't sit on your bed working hard on your next paper. Designate it as a sacred place to rest. Just as the office and your desk are where you work, and are more productive at, so your bed will be your designated sleep location. It's also just bad for you to stay in bed all day.

Melatonin - a miracle worker.


So let's say your sleep schedule has been off for some time, and you just can't seem to fall asleep at a decent hour. In combination of continued effort and consistently getting up at the same time every morning, taking some medicine will do the trick to get your drowsy. While there are designated sleeping pills out there, many of them are unpleasantly strong and can you leave you feeling like a zombie. Melatonin is the chemical your body produces for sleep, so it's a natural alternative.

Now, with your newfound knowledge, go catch up on your sleep! You deserve a good night's rest. In fact, doing so may just save your life.

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