How Alpha Sigma Tau Has Changed Our Lives
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How Alpha Sigma Tau Has Changed Our Lives

Tau love, Alpha chapter.

How Alpha Sigma Tau Has Changed Our Lives
Becca Ledwick

Women have been joining sororities for various reasons for over a century. Every person joins with a specific idea of what they want to get out of their experience, and in most cases, it changes their lives. This is an article about how joining Alpha Sigma Tau has changed the lives of actives and alumnae here at Eastern Michigan University.

“AST let me be free to speak my mind and ask for help without feeling like I'm annoying or over reacting. I always have a support system.” - Kyrstin.

“Alpha Sigma Tau has given me strength and the belief that I can reach my full potential as a human being. That I can be successful and truly change the world. It has helped me continue to be a nice person and to express my passions. AST taught me to love myself and stay true to myself.” - Catherine.

“It pushed me to open up to other people! I found that support network I was missing sophomore year and AST showed me I really was worth the effort I was putting into things I was passionate about.” - Cassie.

“AST gave me a support system to try things I would have been too scared to do on my own such as being an NSOA or taking on leadership positions.” - Emma.

“AST welcomed me with open arms when I came to college. I was a commuter who knew almost no one when I went away to college. I was lucky enough to meet a person (who, unbeknownst to me would become my big one day) who was passionate about Greek life and knew I would love all the wonderful women who make up Alpha Sigma Tau.

Since joining, so many doors have opened for me. I've grown exponentially as a leader, and I'm fortune enough to be serving my chapter on e-board for the first time. I'm constantly surrounded by a web of love and compassion, and I wouldn't have my college experience any other way.” - Rowan.

“So I would say that for me, it has impacted just about every aspect of my life. It was a more authentic and more impacting growth experience than any other that I've had in my life, short of having children. It's kind of that thing where you don't really understand how much you need something or how much you benefit from something until you go through a hard time and think about what that hard time would have been like had you not had it.

The skills it helped me to form and the way that it made me develop gave me tools that were invaluable for the rest of my life. And that's not even touching on the great many people that I have come to know through being a member and how incredible and helpful and wonderful those relationships have been. My tribe isn't made up totally of ASTs but they are the lions share.” - Amanda.

“Alpha Sigma Tau has taught me to lead. Since your first meeting as a new member, you are provided with opportunities to become a leader. From little positions to big, from development workshops to leadership retreats, this is an organization that will provide you with opportunities to succeed. But more importantly, it provides you with the support system to succeed. Alpha Sigma Tau has taught me to love. I can promise you there is nothing quite like running home to a group of people on Bid Day who are willing to accept and love you wholly, unconditionally, alongside your flaws and insecurities and baggage.

Though you've only just met, you feel that bond. You feel hundreds of years of sisterhood and values in every hug and encouragement.It's those bonds that keep you grounded when it feels like you're failing at everything. It's those bonds that make you say, "I might be angry with you, but I will always love and respect you because you are my sister." Whether it's your big sister whom you've admired since the day you met, or a new sister having her own experience across the country, that is a feeling that will never disappear.” - Autumn.

“Alpha Sigma Tau helped me gain the courage to stand up for what is right. That being a leader was something I could accomplish. As I became a mom, it was these things I wanted to inspire in both of my daughters.” - Sarah.

“It taught me to believe in myself. When I joined AST, I was like “no I don't want any positions, no no no…,” but then after some of my sisters talked to me about it, I finally decided to go after a position that I wanted. I believed in myself because my sisters believed in me and that's the best gift anyone could give me.” - Taylor E.

“AST gave me a chance to challenge myself and push myself further than I ever thought possible. It gave me the self confidence to stand firm in my beliefs. It taught me to stop saying "I can't do it" and start saying "what can I do?" to solve my problems. AST has taught me about love, and about family and the expectations that I should have for ALL of my relationships, in and outside of the sorority.

It has given me more stress than ever, but it's shown me that I don't have to deal with it alone, and part of being self-reliant is knowing when you need to rely on others. Some people like to accuse sorority women of paying for our friends, but if these sisters have gotten as much out of this experience as I have, then I'm not paying nearly enough.” - Heather.

“Joining Alpha Sigma Tau helped me organize my life, set goals, and become a leader. When I joined I had no clear purpose for my future and would have preferred to contribute from behind the scenes. There were so many awesome opportunities provided and supportive women around me though that it wasn't long before I started dipping my toes into the waters of leadership.

The new responsibilities forced me to manage my time more efficiently and in time, helped me to define my goals and values so that I could choose those activities and pursuits that were most in line with what I wanted to accomplish. I also experienced letting people down that I loved and admired - those disappointments pushed me to concentrate more on those deficiencies in myself in order to become better for myself and for those I serve, work with, and lead.” - Adrianna.

“When I joined Alpha Sigma Tau, I was at a point in my life where I wasn't sure what my next step was going to be, or if I'd even finish school. What Alpha Sigma Tau gave me is the passion to finish school, and helped me become the woman I always wanted to be. 10 years later, it's still the best decision I've ever made.” - Debbie.

“One of the best decisions I made as a freshman was going through Structured Recruitment. I found a second home and a second family with my sisters in Alpha Sigma Tau. The organization has provided me with so many amazing opportunities to develop and strengthen my interpersonal and leadership skills while also building my confidence. I will always be thankful for the positive impact the sorority has had in my life and the lasting friendships I have made.” - Kirstin.

"Alpha Sigma Tau has opened up a whole new world to me. We always hear that you gain so much leadership and life skills from joining a sorority and I thought "yeah okay that's cool, I'll do it" but I honestly never imagined the actual effect that it would have on me to be as great as it has been. Growing up, I never really considered myself to be too much of a leader. I was involved with so many different music classes and programs that I would like to think I started to emerge as one within those groups, but outside of those, I was quiet, shy, and would let others take the lead. I was a behind-the-scenes worker.

I joined AST as a freshman, and now looking back as a senior, I cannot believe the change. I've taken on a variation of different positions and tasks up until my greatest accomplishment, being elected President of Alpha Chapter. I stand strong in my opinions, I am more social and positive, I can multitask like no other, and I feel like I can communicate so much more effectively. My family notices and embraces the changes that I have made and even through a phone call with my grandma, she stopped to tell me that she could tell how much I’ve changed just from the conversation and reflected on how this experience has shaped me. It has been a bumpy road to get to where I am today and I’ve run into several walls, shed some tears, and have been so frustrated.

But I stuck it out because this sisterhood has meant more to me than anything that could have happened and because of it, I have grown stronger and have learned more skills to fix those situations in the future. Never have I ever felt so confident and determined to succeed and it is all because these ladies have supported me through my path and I really, more than anything, do not want to let them down.” - Katey.

As for myself, when I went through structured recruitment my freshman year, I had no idea what to really expect. I had a few friends from high school that had joined sororities and thought, why not? I never realized that I would gain so many connections and life skills through this experience. I had the opportunity to attend leadership conferences, serve on our executive board as the Vice President of Growth and had the honor of mentoring my four amazing littles. AST gave me the confidence to change my major to something I was truly passionate about. It has opened so many doors for me and I could never thank this organization enough.

We only need two things: an education and our sisters.

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