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19 NBA Players You'll DEFINITELY Want To Shoot Your Shot With Now That Basketball Is Back

Their skills and looks make them a solid A+.

19 NBA Players You'll DEFINITELY Want To Shoot Your Shot With Now That Basketball Is Back

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The NBA is back, and for basketball fans, like myself, it has been the BEST news we have heard since COVID-19 shutdown play indefinitely. I mean, come on, we need to see if James Harden can once again perform so well he has back-to-back 50 point games, Kawhi can lead another team to the championship title, and whether Giannis is going to be back-to-back MVP... among like 500 other things running through our heads!

In the midst of all of the amazing statistics and records that these players are breaking, though, we also just love the NBA because well, there are some pretty good looking guys out there. Here are the 19 hottest NBA players (in no particular order) you would totally let slam dunk on you now that the NBA has returned.

1. James Harden

James Harden is an absolute beast on offense. His signature step back three is something young NBA players crave to perfect, and let's be honest: We wouldn't mind seeing him shoot his shot.

2. Ben Simmons

Ben Simmons has played a huge role in the 76ers success over the last few seasons, and he has carved out quite the name for himself, including a trip to the All Star game this year. Seeing him gain more and more of a role on the court is not a bad thing by any means!

3. Pascal Siakam

Nicknamed "Spicy P," Siakam went from the G League to playing a huge role in the Raptors' Championship last year as well as earning the Most Improved honors on the season. This year, Siakam has only helped his team even more, and let's be real: he ALWAYS looks so happy to be out there playing the game. A smile goes a long way.

4. Luka Doncic

Doncic is only 21 and already taking over the league! He is incredibly talented, and while I may not be a coach, I have a good feeling this is only the beginning for him!

5. Giannis Antetokounmpo

Giannis won the MVP award in 2019. He's quite the star, and he is the glue of the Bucks' team and their success. We get to see this man on the court a whole lot, and we're not complaining one bit.

6. Jimmy Butler

If you haven't seen Butler's latest commercial, you're seriously missing out. But, don't worry, it's linked above for your viewing pleasure. Jimmy has overcome a lot of hardships to be where he is now as one of the best players in the NBA. Personally, he's one of my favorite players, and I can't get enough of this new commercial showing off his true self. (@ Jimmy, if you need a singing partner, I'm here.)

7. Kawhi Leonard

While Kawhi is pretty quiet on and off the court, his skills and abilities speak for themselves. He is an insanely talented player, and when you catch a glimpse of his smile, his love for the game and life just radiates off of him. Kawhi was the first player I really started to follow, and he's the reason I started to get into the NBA!

8. JJ Redick

I miss when he was a 76er! Life hasn't been the same since he left for New Orleans, and Jimmy left for Miami. His three point shot in close game situations is definitely missed.

9. Kemba Walker

Walker has been the go to guy this year for the Celtics, and it's clear he has played a huge role in their success. His limited minutes in the start of the NBA restart has really hurt more than just his team.

10. Joel Embiid

Embiid was nicknamed "The Process," and all of us are definitely trusting this process, especially on that stat line.

11. Anthony Davis

One of the best big men in the game, Davis has been the right hand man to LeBron James and the Lakers. He's easy to spot on the court because of his skill level, and we're here for it.

12. Kevin Love

Admittedly, we don't get to see Love play in Orlando due to the way the bubble games were determined, but his career has been so amazing, he deserves to make the cut!

13. Bam Adebayo

A star on the rise, we're seeing more and more of Bam on the court, and not only is it good for the Miami Heat, it's good for the fans as well.

14. Damian Lillard

If I'm being honest, I've only recently started paying attention to Lillard and his game, but I've been sleeping on him for too long! He's the real deal, and anyone who thinks otherwise clearly hasn't seen him play.

15. LeBron James

Did you really expect LeBron to not make the list? No basketball list is complete without LeBron, no matter what the topic is.

16. Tobias Harris

Not only is he a force on the court, he is also one of the most giving and generous players in the NBA. (insert swoon here).

17. TJ McConnell

All the good ones leave the 76ers...

18. Zion Williamson

Similar to LeBron, is any modern list complete without Zion?

19. Shake Milton

New to the NBA scene, Milton has been a great contributor for the 76ers since he earned a spot on the roster.

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1. "If I'm wearing black tomorrow, it's because I'm mourning my grade."

2. "Do you want to try ordering Chinese takeout to take back to the stacks?"

3. "This final paper has me questioning if this professor just sucks or is Satan himself."

4. "Is that person over there OK? They've been sleeping for a while."

5. "Why are you online shopping?"

"I want to motivate myself to study."

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6. "I wonder how much I could make as a stripper."

7. "There are no stress relief dogs, and I feel conned. My stress today is worse than yesterday."

8. "Rate My Professor screwed me over."

9. "I wore these clothes yesterday, and maybe even the day before, but it's fine."

10. "I wonder if I could sneak a beer in here."

11. "I just really want chocolate chip cookies."

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