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25 Horror Movies That Will Haunt You Even After You Leave The Theater

Let's be real, we all have that ONE movie (at least) that will still spook us afterwards, no matter how many times we watch it.

25 Horror Movies That Will Haunt You Even After You Leave The Theater
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

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Horror movies. Created to scare us, put us on the edge of our seat, get our bodies in that fight or flight mode, and have our adrenaline pumping.

All this is all fun and games until that feeling follows us home... From personal experience (and from what I've been told) here is a list of some movies that do just that.

Not only will these movies keep your adrenaline going the whole way home, but they might also even have you on your toes for the next day, or a few days. Why did I decide to make this list? For my fellow horror fanatics -- after a while, horror movies just aren't scary, especially when you've seen them more than once.

But these movies will scare you like it's the first time, even if you're watching it for the 12th time.

This list is for the horror fanatics that want to watch a scary movie, but don't want to wait for the newest one to come out.

"Annabelle" & "Annabelle Comes Home"

There's a lot of reviews out there on these movies saying how they aren't even scary, easily forgettable, etc. However, I think for those who aren't that into scary movies or don't watch them often, they will find these scary. They have plenty of jump scares and anticipation to keep anyone up for a night. AND to add to the spookiness? The movies are based on a true story.


This movie, wow *shudders*. I honestly don't even know how to explain this movie other as, good. It kept me up for a night, I know that for sure. It wasn't so much scary as to suspenseful and surprising, and honestly very chilling.

"Cabin Fever"

This movie gave me the shivers the ENTIRE TIME. Again, this movie wasn't so "Oh my god! AH!" but more like "OH MY GOD WHAT?!!!" Want me to elaborate? I won't it's on Netflix so go watch it! I recommend not eating because you WILL feel sick.

"Don't Breathe"

One of the most suspenseful movies I've ever seen. And a MAJOR plot twist towards the end. The thing with this movie is that is brought up that feeling of "how many people are actually like this?" and I think that's part of the horrible feeling that comes with it. Your adrenaline WILL be pumping this ENTIRE movie.

"Insidious" series

I personally love all of these movies, well-acted out, well shot, and well-directed. They have plenty of jump scares and suspensefulness to keep you on your toes for at least the rest of the day/night after watching this. 10/10 recommend for newbies to the horror movie scene.


Hear me out on this one: I'm including this movie because the first time I saw it I was about 10, and had never seen a zombie movie before. And let me tell you, I WAS FREAKED OUT, looking back, I don't remember any of the funny parts, so when I rewatched a few years ago I thought, THIS is what made me sleep with my mom for a week???

"Pet Sematary" (new and old ones)

These movies are GOODDDDD. They may not be everyone's cup of tea but they were definitely mine! These movies really make you feel for the characters, and (somewhat) understand their reasoning behind their outrageous actions. Too bad it all backfires in the end!

"The Silence of the Lambs"

A movie way ahead of its time! This movie was the first horror movie to be nominated AND win, the best picture award. Again, this movie may not be scary for everyone, but it is gruesome and definitely a thriller. And to add to that, it's a series! So you can follow Clarice and her journey through other movies (even though it's a different actress, smh) Another lovely tidbit? This movie is ALSO based on a true story

"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1974)

This movie just hit differently. This movie was based on a true story, and those five words hold a lot of meaning especially when it's a horror movie. This movie is a little graphic and will definitely give you goosebumps the whole time but it is still very good.

"The Exorcist"

Adding this one in here because to this day, decades later, this is still my mom's most hated horror movie. And if my MOM says that a movie is scary, well, you'll never catch me watching it. So someone watch it for me and let me know how it is! Her fear? Justified too, this is another "based on a true story" movie!

"The Conjuring" series

Again, those "based on a true story" movies just HIT DIFFERENT. ESPECIALLY when after the movie is over they show the real people who lived through the bone-chilling event. *shudders* But Ed and Lorraine Warren will always be my favorite horror movie actors so I'd watch the movies even if they were horrible


Yet another scary movie that gets you thinking "are there really people out there like that?" and I think that statement alone is enough to justify why I added this movie onto the list. Some people are just downright crazy and it's horrible to think that this really happens to some people. (obviously not this EXACTLY but you get me)


Again, this movie just gets your mind ROLLING. The thought process of trying to figure out what happened in that movie is just too much, it is most definitely bone-chilling and suspenseful and thrilling and scary. The faces the actors make alone are enough to keep me sleeping with one eye open for a day or two.

"Sinister" series

I find these movies chilling because honestly, these could happen (partially). Young children are so much more susceptible to things than adults and are easily influenced. Look at the whole "Slenderman" ordeal, those girls really killed their best friend because they swore "Slenderman" was real.


Yet another movie that was bone-chilling all because it had those "based on a true story" words added to it. Those are enough to keep up because who knows! People are crazy now and you never know who might try to reenact the movie next!

"The Possession of Hannah Grace"

This movie, wow, it just had to be my name right? That definitely increased the amount of horror that affected me, as well as the setting for basically the whole movie- a morgue. What could possibly be scarier than a movie that takes place in a morgue? NOTHING.

"World War Z"

Now, I'm not sure if it was because I was a little "young" at the time or what but this movie had my heart rate THROUGH THE ROOF the entire movie!! Although they didn't really show the "zombies" faces that much during the movie, the few glimpses we did get were enough, let me tell you. AND on top of that, they moved at lightning speed? No thanks.

"Get Out"

Yet another, bone-chilling, heart racing, mind messing movie that keeps people thinking, and on the edge of their seats. The number of jokes about dating people that came out after this movie did was hilarious but let's be serious- if this were to happen, it could really be anyone, so be careful my friends.

"A Quiet Place"

I feel like half of the suspense for this movie was due to the fact that it was so quiet, hence the name. Besides that, I felt like I was in the actual movie with them, like I couldn't even breathe too loud, let alone eat my popcorn, or I'd be heard by the monsters. Plus, John Krasinski is in it so, of course, it's good.

"A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Personally, I didn't think this movie was too scary, but it definitely was for the time when it came out. The first (and original) movie came out in 1984, and a few followed not that long after. If you want to watch this, make sure to watch the original ones, not the remakes, I find the older ones to be a lot better (no shade though). AND the director got the story from an article that talked about a girl who had nightmares similar to the movie... spooky


Not even going to lie, this movie had me a little confused at times, but it was definitely worth the confusion. This movie is definitely a 10/10. It's not your typical horror movie, it's kind of like a crime-fighting tv show, but better. Yes, that might've been confusing so just go watch it!

"Scream" series 

Bet you didn't know this: this movie was actually based on a true story, the killer is known as the "Gainesville Reaper" who killed five Florida students in August of 1990. Which again leads me to "people are actually like this?!" Overall this whole series is a 10/10/

"The Amityville Horror"

Yet another "based on a true story" which is absolutely crazy! Whether you watch the original or the remakes, this movie is still bone-chilling and will most definitely have your adrenaline pumping.

"The Strangers" series

How wonderful is it that this movie is also based on a true story? NOT. This movie also leaves you with chills the entire time, and at certain parts, with your mouth wide open in shock because once again, PEOPLE ARE CRAZY. But still definitely a 10/10 movie.


Last, and not least, Winchester. This movie definitely tops all the other horror movies because with this horror film, comes the house that all the craziness occurred in! You can actually visit and take a tour of the house (definitely don't recommend watching the movie beforehand, who wants to be mortified the entire visit?) and if I'm not mistaking, I think during the Halloween season you can even spend the night (for the right price of course), but again, who would want to do that?

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