Holiday Edition: Partying
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Student Life

Holiday Edition: Partying

Have fun partying with family members this holiday, but this story is one that happened in college.

Holiday Edition: Partying

Earlier in the year, I wrote about how I didn't like partying. But to my surprise, I realized I just don't like frat parties. A week after the frat party, I attended a TASA (Taiwanese American Student Association) house party, and boy did I screw myself over. But before I begin that part of the story, the background to this one is that I thought that I was totally against the entire alcohol and smoking scene; and oddly enough, I attended this one house party and it all started perfectly normal hoping that there would be food at the place. But there were no tangible foods that I could find, everything was all alcohol or water. Sadly, I chose to not eat dinner before attending this party, and went in without thinking twice.

This story is just based off of as much as I could remember before knocking out. I entered the party thinking that it would be a fun party where I would drink with all my friends, but then it all took a turn when I drank the jungle juice mixed by the bartender. After that, although the party was not lit, I found some fun by playing some Beer Pong with friends with the losing bet of taking 2 shots. Luckily, my team won, and that was that. As soon as the Beer Pong game was over, the friends whom I was with decided to all take shots, so I took the Whiskey shot with them. Little did I know what I did next would be the fate of me that night. Stepping aside from the party, news spread that the other party that took place that same night hosted by CSA (Chinese Student Association) got shut down by the police and a portion of the partygoers came to the TASA party. That's when things took a sharp turn. As soon as more and more people arrived to the party, the more drinks I took. After the Whiskey shot, the bartender offered my group of friends and I a sample of Tequila Sunrise. At first, it was a warm feeling and taste of cold orange juice with a hint of alcohol. Within an hour into the party, I had already taken in 12 fl oz. of jungle juice, a shot of Whiskey and a 12 fl oz. of Tequila Sunrise on an empty stomach.

Everyone knew that drinking on an empty stomach is a bad idea, and at the time, I thought it would have no affect on me as I did not feel the affects of alcohol on me. But everything took a down turn after I had my 2nd cup of Tequila Sunrise. As soon as I got the drink, I sat down on the couch to chill for a bit, then after finishing the drink, my senses all slowed down. I had a euphoric feeling and everything around me slowed down. I thought that it was due to the poor lighting in the room so I simply ignored it and went to get another drink. When I got that 3rd Tequila Sunrise, I saw my friend Kathy and her boyfriend, Sam, and that's when everything started to hit me. From what I can recall, I started to stumble and Kathy could clearly tell I was incapacitated. Then a few moments later when the party started to turn up, I was already near the phase of drunk if not buzzed.

Sh*t started happening when I got my 4th cup of Tequila Sunrise and I started crashing into walls and into people. By this point, I had no control of what to think only to keep drinking and partying. All my friends who came from the CSA party knew something was up with me when I started slurring my words and showing signs of euphoria. As far as I can remember, by the 5th drink, I wasn't able to judge what was around me, everyone's faces all looked the same, and I was really friendly with everyone at the party. That's when my friends took note and got me to sit on the couch, but I think that at one point, when they weren't paying attention, I got up, stumbled and went to get more drinks. But before that could happen, I was wrestling with two three other people. And about 10 mins later, five people were over me trying to get me to drink water and took away my drink. Then after drinking a lot of water, I KO-ed on the couch.

My friends and I stayed till the end of the party and when everyone started leaving, I started puking. Puking up alcohol is not fun at all. At the end of everything, I remember being carried out by two of my friends and escorted back to my dorm. As soon as I returned to campus, I remember having to walk past UCPD drunk and act sober, and then I wasn't able to put my room key into the keyhole. From the point they dropped me off at my dorm till the evening of the day after, I was puking up everything and didn't sober up until 15 hrs later.

That was the time when I got really f*cked up. Though I will probably never go through that experience again, I will most likely drink again, but in controlled amounts.

What I learned that night: party hard, but not too hard.

* I want to thank those who took care of me, or those who I remember... First there's the mom-figure, Kathy, who took care of me when I KO-ed till the next day when I recovered slightly. Then there's the trusty friend, Austin, whom made sure I got back to the dorms safely and visited me when I was sobering up. Then there's YuCheng who made sure I had a lit time at the party as well as getting me back to the dorms safe. Then the many people whose names I can't really remember, but for the ones I can remember, there was Sam, Jackson, and Henry whom all dealt with me, the total mess, and restrained me from getting more drinks.

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