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7 Halloween Movies That Will Bring You Back To Childhood

A little reminiscing never hurt anyone!

7 Halloween Movies That Will Bring You Back To Childhood
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

As a child, right about now would be the time I would usually rush home from school to assure I didn't miss Disney Channel's "Monstober." As much as it may seem socially unacceptable to get as excited as 10 year-old-me used to about Halloween on Disney Channel, I'll admit that it's fun to reminisce on the old movies that used to scare me to the point of having to sleep with my parents. Here's a list of my favorite Halloween movies that used to compile my weeknights during the months of October:

1. Halloweentown (1, 2, 3, AND 4 of course)

The Halloweentown movies are the DEFINITION of halloween on Disney Channel. When the four movies were aired back to back, there was no exception ... you'd be watching the Cromwell's save their town of supernatural creatures no matter what.

 2. Twitches & Twitches Too

Long lost sisters, and twins, AND witches? Nothing was better (or scarier) than watching Alex and Cameron defeat Thantos and the darkness to save Coventry.

3. Phantom of the Megaplex 

This movie gave me nightmares 100% of the time, and yet every time it aired on Disney, you'd find me glued in front of the television (with the lights on of course). As unexplainable events begin to occur throughout the megaplex on the night of a major movie premiere, Pete Riley and his siblings decide to seek out the "phantom" who's wreaking havoc on the theater.

4. Mom's Got a Date With a Vampire 

When the Hansen kids successfully set their mom up on a date, they unexpectedly regret their decision as they begin to suspect that there mom's new boyfriend is a vampire. This Disney classic usually makes it's annual appearance on screen during October, and therefore was a must see in my house.

5. Now You See It 

Ally & Aj were the queens of Disney Channel during the 2000's, and one half of their duo, Ally Michalka, dominates Halloween on Disney in this magic, mysterious DCOM. As her character searches her town for the next best magician for her reality television show, she uncovers a secret that might be more than she intended to find. This movie is often forgotten, but was a classic among my siblings and I and prompted many attempts at mastering magic ourselves.

6. Casper

Although not a Disney movie, and although more comedy based, Casper was a classic in my home during the month of October. As a ghost hunter and his daughter set up shop in an abandoned home, they are confronted by ghosts, who turn out to be more of a nuisance than anything else.

7. Smart House 

This movie might not necessarily fall into the Halloween category, but the computer take-over of this family's new house definitely gives off a spooky vibe. As much as we all probably wished to own a "dream house," living in a home programmed to be an overbearing mother most likely isn't what we had in mind.

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