Interviewing at a bar
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Interview At A Bar In Kutztown

Continuing the Interview that I left off with Robbie Yurasits.


Date: October 27th, 2018.

Location: A random bar in Kutztown

"I'm having a blast!"

"I don't know. I know I'm here with you, but I'm having a hard time processing the whole thing.

"Well process it, brah."

Just like that, he spun around and flexed his ass and legs towards me.

"I mean look at how good these tights look on me, you can bounce a quarter off this ass."

"Who are you?"

He laughed and took a sip of his beer.

"I'm just having a good time. I didn't think I would either. But I am. I truly am. And the whole costume, Halloween party thing is kind of a bonus. I haven't dressed up in years."

Halloween Bar

He looked back over his shoulder and then looked down at his drink smiling again.

"I guess she's here?"

He still hasn't told me about this mystery girl, but whenever he smiles like this, he says its because of her.

"Yeah, she's over there with her cousin. It was her idea. The whole couple's costume thing. See? She's dressed as Ursula, and I'm King Triton."

He waved over at her.

"I didn't know if the tights through you off. We tried to find pants that looked somewhat like they had fish scales, but instead, I had to settle on women's tights."

"You had to settle?"

"Alright, they're great!"

I couldn't help but let my gaze slip towards his date. She had on a black sweater with her shoulders exposed, long purple gloves, and a tutu with "octopus tentacles." I almost forgot the best part; she had a granny wig with purple steaks. Yeah, I realize how weird it sounds to say that's the best part. But it framed her face and made it impossible to want to look anywhere else. I honestly felt a little jealous of him.

"She's beautiful. I'm happy for you."

"Yeah, she is. She's perfect."

I've known Robbie for a long time. I've known him longer than anyone. I've never heard him refer to someone like that before.

The bartender came over, finally after us standing for about 20 minutes. When we first showed up, there were only about eight or nine people. But within the last half hour or so, the place became packed. The bar is relatively small, only about 12 people can sit there comfortably, with the majority of the space being used for the dance floor.

"Yeah, can I get another Landshark, and what do you want?"

"I'll have the same."

"Two Landsharks."

I went to pay, but Robbie insisted. We stood quietly waiting the few seconds, and I took the opportunity to look over her way again. I had a moment like in the movies, where I looked over, and a song started to consume the atmosphere. I mean, yeah, there was a DJ, but I had a song in my head that summed up all I was thinking.

The Lost Boys - Soundtrack - Beauty Has Her Way - By Mummy Calls

I swear. I looked over, and this is what went through my head. The song no one remembers from "The Lost Boys." Robbie caught me looking.

"I was looking at her cousin." He smiled, knowing I was lying. No one compared to her.

"Are you gonna dance?"

"Nah, I'm gonna head back after this beer, and get this interview written."

"You know, I've been wanting to ask, why are you doing these interviews? I mean, we're just bullshitting here."

"I'm just trying to understand myself better, I guess. Plus, it must be entertaining, at least for someone to read."

"How's that working for you?"

"I don't know. Doesn't hurt to keep trying though, right?"

I gave a slight smile. Half melancholy, half sincere. He told me about the night before I showed up. The pre-party at the cousin's house; meeting all her friends and relaxing enough to drink with them and be himself. That isn't something I can do. I was jealous, but also kinda proud. As I've mentioned, I've known Robbie my whole life; it was good to see him smile for a change.

"You realize I know what you're thinking right?"


The words came as a shock to me. It's like Robbie could hear my thoughts.

Two Faces of the same

"That's cause I can, dude. Stop this whole, "Robbie is another person thing;" It's a little fuckin' weird."

"I thought it would be entertaining to read. A lot of writers come up with a schtick. I thought this was original."

"Yeah, it's great. But stop looking so sad; get over there and dance with that beautiful girl!"

And then, Robbie started to fade, and I looked down, and I saw the blue leggings he was bragging about. And you wanna know what I thought? Damn, my ass does look good in these. And then I walked over and kissed that beautiful girl in the Ursula costume. And we danced, and I had one hell of a time.

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