Learning To Laugh At Yourself When You Fail | The Odyssey Online
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Learning To Laugh At Yourself When You Fail

Fall 7 times and fall again, right?

Learning To Laugh At Yourself When You Fail

Happy Monday!

I wanted to start the week off by showing you all a compilation of how truly uncoordinated I can be. I would say I take the gym serious about 50% of the time.

Fall 7 times and fall again, right?

When I first started lifting, I was very nervous and intimidated to go to the gym. I had no clue what I was doing and I honestly didn't want to look or feel dumb. I'm sure many of you can relate because it's something new and that's scary in itself. Stepping out of my comfort zone was not easy to do in the least. I kept watching girls lift on Instagram and YouTube but watching and doing are two totally different things. I decided to do Katy Hearn's Lifting Program which had corresponding videos and hashtags online for each exercise. I decided to make myself go and just start because procrastinating going got me no where.

To help guide my workout, I sent every video to myself for each workout with the amount of sets and reps included. I referred back to the videos throughout my workouts every time I couldn't remember how to do an exercise or if I was unsure of the correct form or weight to use. I accidentally dropped weights, let cables snap back, fell over and looked clueless all at the same time BUT I still finished the workouts. I kept going back every day and each day got better. My form improved, the amount of weight I could lift went up and I was seeing progress which was the best feeling of all.

The main point I wanted to get at was that you will be uncomfortable at times when trying new things but the outcome is more than worth it. I would throw my headphones in, play my favorite music and just focus on myself. I learned to laugh at myself when I messed up and it was easily the best choice I ever made because I cared a lot less about what other people thought after I learned to do that. People would even laugh at me laughing at myself and also commend me on trying new things. Everyone starts somewhere so enjoy your journey, laugh and have fun! I hope you all have a great week :)

For these videos and more follow me on:

Instagram : amandajofit

Snapchat : purefitlife

If you enjoyed this video please give it a share and I will see you in the next one!

Thanks for watching :)

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