How To Grocery Shop Like A Functional Adult
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How To Grocery Shop Like A Functional Adult

Stop coming home with broken eggs and expired yogurt.

How To Grocery Shop Like A Functional Adult
funnyjunk: billybobbobobby

Grocery shopping with friends is probably one of my favorite ways to hang out. While it seemed like a chore back home, snagging food that is tasty and fun for one is way easier than shopping for an entire family. Here are some tips and tricks that I've learned through the years to keep you on track with your needs/budget during that next supermarket outing:

1. Write a list.

I know it may seem like a waste of time, but even foodies with the most self-control can stray away from the necessities when distracted with Zebra Cakes. I like to keep a blank list pinned to my wall so I can update it with staple items as I run out, and add on any random ingredients I might need for next week's meals. Before heading out to shop, make sure to triple check what items are left in your fridge/pantry (and not expired) to determine if anything else needs to be added last minute. It's better to play it safe than sorry!

2. Look for coupons.

I tend to gravitate towards Publix and Target as my two main sources of groceries, which both have really helpful apps to track sales and promotions. By signing up with Cartwheel (for Target) or the Publix app, you can personalize which coupons are saved to your online account to pull up later at checkout. Whether it's an item on your list or something you might see yourself compulsively buying soon, save it. You'll be glad you spent that extra ten minutes when your savings start adding up.

3. Go down every aisle.

Although this may sound a little ironic being that you just wrote a list targeting what items you actually need, it's important to weigh out all the options. I always start at one end of the store and weave my way in and out, picking up items I have written down as they appear. This is helpful as food is grouped by category, helping you to realize any items you may have forgotten to include for Wednesday's dinner. This does not mean picking up a cake for dessert because it might taste nice tomorrow night. By keeping your eye out for small hidden ingredients, or BOGO deals on common foods, you can keep yourself stocked for much longer than thought.

4. Check the labels!

Search for every expiration date. All dairy items are especially important. Not only will chunky milk make you want to vomit, but it will make your entire fridge smell disgusting. The same goes for bread, yogurt, meats, etc. Anything perishable will perish.

Also be sure to open up egg cartons to make sure none of the shells are cracked before purchasing. This is pretty common and I was surprised to see my friend pick up a random carton off the shelf the other day without inspecting it first. So PSA to anyone new to grocery shopping, I will find you and yell at you if you do not check your eggs.

5. Have a general meal plan.

Even if you're not going to organize every meal for the next month in a little journal, at least have a basic idea of what main items your food will consist of. I know that if I buy ground beef and hamburger buns, I can cook it all early in the week and have leftovers for at least two days after. By recognizing the amount you consume, how much you should be putting aside as leftovers, and how much you will need to buy to satisfy your appetite until the next shopping trip, you will be basically as organized as the person with the journal.

Side items can be swapped around to change up basic leftovers and keep them feeling new through the week, so don't forget to throw some rice or something in a little container for next time.

These are the most basic points that I like to keep in mind when planning a trip to the grocery store, as they save both time and money. Don't fall victim to ingredients you aren't going to eat in the end, and you'll be on your way to a happier fridge of your favorite foods!

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