Going to a different college than your best friend can be a HUGE adjustment. You probably went from seeing them almost every day to only a few times a month. You probably still go to them for just about everything, including any and all questions you may have. Here are 15 questions you definitely ask your BFF at a different college, as told by Grey's Anatomy:
7. Why do I have to pay for laundry and you don't?
GiphyYeah, people really do us broke college kids like that.
8. Will you edit my paper for me?
GiphyBecause even when they are drowning in homework, they'll always make time to help you.
9. What's the update on that cute boy at school?
Giphy"What's his name so I can stalk him on Facebook?"
11. Can you take a study break and call me?
GiphyWhen finals week becomes overwhelming, they'll always be just a phone call away to build you up.
12. What are the odds someone would lease us an apartment for just summers?
GiphyYou might not want to go back to college if that happens.
13. What do you want for your birthday?
GiphyDo they really think you're not going to go above and beyond just because of the distance?
14. Is it bad I haven't shaved in over a month?
GiphyTo be fair, it's still technically No Shave November.
15. You know I love you more than anything, right?
GiphyDistance means so very little when someone means so very much.