In life, the things that get the most attention are the ones that are flashy and the most popular among everyone. However, for some people, like myself, we get hooked on the small things because there's always something bigger behind it that carries a special meaning.
Granger Smith released his debut album, "Remington," in March of 2016. On this album, he released a song entitled "Tractor." This song isn't one of his "signature songs" that get all of the attention and that are replayed on the radio. It's something small on his album, but like I said before, one that has something bigger.
Right when you hear the song, there's just a big difference. You can almost feel something tugging on you and telling you, "Hey, listen closer."
Well, just recently Granger Smith posted on Facebook and it said:
“Making this video was very special to me. The man isn’t an actor, it’s my dad’s lifelong best friend. This isn’t a music video set, it’s dad’s barn, dad’s field, dad’s tractor. I still miss him every day."
Smith personally wrote this song about his father, who passed away in 2014 and as you can see in the tweet above, everything in this video is homemade. Also, his son, Lincoln is in the video, who was born the same year his father passed away.
Listening to this song really made me realize at how this song relates to everyday life. See, originally, Smith didn't want this song on his album but his family pushed him to put it on there and now people are starting to realize the true meaning behind this song.
Meanings are hidden in so many things in life. Whether it's a song, a jacket, a book or whatever it may be, everyone has something meaningful to them.
So next time you see something big, that's great but what's the small thing next to it? Chances are that'll be something you remember down the road.