To My Village, As I graduate | The Odyssey Online
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To My Village, As I Graduate

I would not be here without you, and I cannot wait to go on this next adventure alongside you.

To My Village, As I Graduate

Here we are. For the last eighteen years, I have been preparing for today. From straight A's and leadership roles to piano competitions and choir trips, I wouldn't be the person I am today without any of you.

When I was five years old, we moved to NorthHaven Church. Well, we moved to afternoon services in another church building because we didn't have our own yet, but the church was there in the people and the love that filled any space we were in. This love has not faltered, and it has changed my life. Despite changes in leadership, changes in members and a multitude of other things, my church has stayed constant -- a family of believers that constantly seek to build me up and tell me that I am loved, but also continuously challenges me to serve others and follow the example of Christ. NorthHaven Church, you are part of the village that is raised me. Thank you.

My teachers. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for inspiring me to the STEM path I have chosen by telling me that "girls can do that too!" Thank you for requiring me to use my voice confidently in class, and for calling me out when I used it too often. Thank you for creating an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and creativity that has inspired me to become a lifelong learner.

My friends. You have been an ever-changing group, from people I thought would be by my side forever that are not, to people I never would have imagined loving as much as I do being my constant support. I know today we prepare to leave each other, some of us for good, some of us just for the summer. Wherever we may end up after we turn our tassels today, I hope you know that my high school experience would not be the same without you. Thank you.

To my family. It is because of the challenges you have faced and overcome that I am able to stand here today. You fill my heart with love and joy, (and sometimes a little annoyance), and I am so thankful that the family I have is one that I continuously wish to be as close to as possible. From pre-planned holiday meetings to unexpected moments of love and pride, you have always been in my corner, and I can say confidently that you always will be.

Mom and Dad. Where do I even start? Thank you for everything, from personal issues to always making sure I have gas in my car. Dad, thank you for believing in me. Thank you for always reminding me to take a moment to breathe when the going gets tough. Mom, thank you for being my biggest cheerleader. From proofreading papers to encouraging me to take harder classes, I would not be the student I am today without you. You push me out of my comfort zone, and make sure I always know how capable, beautiful and loved I am. I love you both, so much.

One door closes today, but a multitude of other ones open. I cannot wait to go through this new adventure with the support of my village -- the people that love me unconditionally -- walking alongside me.

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