It gave me a chance to figure out what I really wanted to do. | The Odyssey Online
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5 Benefits Of Going to a Community College BEFORE Going To A 4-Year University

It saved time and money.


I recently transferred from a community college to a four year university. My first few weeks here made me realize how beneficial it was to go to a community college. Here's why:

I saved a lot of money.

Tuition, books, and rent was a lot cheaper compared to now. Now, I'm paying a few thousand more a year in tuition, a lot more in books, and rent since I don't live with my parents anymore. Lucky for me, my time spent at community college is already paid off.

I was able to work a lot more.

At community college, I had a lot more online online course options. I took mostly online classes and worked a lot. That gave me the opportunity to gain work experience in fields such as retail, banking, and an internship with a defense contractor.

I was able to live at home.

Honestly, at 18 I was not prepared to move out and live in a dorm. I barely knew how to cook and do basic house things. Plus, I couldn't bring my dog with me! I'm glad I waited because now I know how to cook, do minor house maintenance, and my dog could come along with me.

It gave me a chance to figure out what I really wanted to do.

When I started my college career, I didn't know what to do with my life. I didn't know what I wanted to major in but I knew I wanted to go into business. Going to a community college helped me figure that out. Since I didn't know what I wanted to be, I didn't want to set my mind on a university then change my major to something they didn't have then would have to transfer somewhere else. That would have cost me thousands of dollars. Instead, I figured it out and choose the university that had my major.

It was overall less stressful.

I'm an easily stressed person. If I had to move away, make new friends, take classes, and work, I would have been mentally and physically exhausted at 18. For me, it was a lot less stressful being able to take classes, work, and hang out with the same friends all in my hometown. Plus, I could stay with my dog of course.

If you're stressed about going away for college, look into community college. It will help you ease into college life without a lot of the college stress.

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