Give The Girl Who Isn't An Instagram Model A Chance
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Give The Girl Who Isn't An Instagram Model A Chance

Guys always tend to go for girls like them over someone like you.

Give The Girl Who Isn't An Instagram Model A Chance

Once upon a time, it was a gloomy, rainy day. You're in class, your professor is droning on and on about a topic you barely understand, so naturally, you pull out your phone and start scrolling through Instagram.

You scroll through the discovery page, and BAM. Barstool, TFM and Old Row girls, just to mention a few, are everywhere. All the power to them for rocking their bods and doing their thing. But seriously, you say to yourself, not every college girl looks like that. You know you're an absolute babe that any guy would kill to be with, but you still feel a bit of nagging envy. Guys always tend to go for girls like them over someone like you.

These girls appear to have it all going for them, racking up thousands of followers by the hour. Bikini pic by bikini pic, they gain their popularity in what seems to be overnight. As long as boobs or booty are out, the likes come in faster than companies direct messaging them looking for ambassadors. They have a massive girl squad and countless guys eating out of the palm of their hands.

They're alphas.

"It" girls.

I guess being an influencer is a decent gig, especially as a broke college student, but will that really last forever? It seems like modeling is something every girl makes it big doing these days, all thanks to Instagram.

However, college will be done one day, and the real world will be there before they know it. Can being a brand ambassador and Influencer and a model really last forever?

I'll be the first to admit, I get low key jealous when I see guys like these girls' pictures but not mine. Is showing a lot of skin really the only way to ever get likes anymore? Since when did likes even matter so much? Granted, I've had my fair share of thirst trap pictures, but never would I make that my entire Instagram.

What's to save for someone special if you already showed the whole Instagram universe literally 98% of you?

I know I sound like a hater, my apologies, but I can't be the only one who thinks this. All the power to these girls for getting their name out there and making bank, but they aren't what the true college girl is like. The true college girl is hustling night and day to pass her classes. She might not be hitting the gym 24/7, but she's trying her best to stay healthy. She might be on Bumble or Tinder, looking for a nice boy to bring home to the family, but only finds jerks who won't remember her name once they're done toying with her wholesome heart for a night. Granted these models are hustling in their own sort of way, but it's not the kind of thing the average college girl has to hustle for.

College girls aren't all models, but we're all beautiful in our own way. Guys in college are so warped by these Instagram models and don't seem to understand that girls IRL are nothing like the ones they see on social media. Granted some are, but the girl you want to take home to Mom more than likely isn't posting a bikini pic a day; she barely has time to go out and even take a decent selfie. She's hoping for a good guy to come around to take a decent selfie with.

So, college guys, instead of giving the next Barstool Babe you see a follow and an unanswered DM, give it to someone else, who might actually respond to it, and would make her happier than you could realize.

Find a girl and love every inch of her for who she is on the inside, with the outside being a bonus. Realize she's going to be there for you through it all, and instead of hundreds of thousands of guys seeing her in a bikini, it's just you.

Thirst trap posts are a part of society and if a girl wants to post one, she should go for it and show off what her mother gave her. However, these heavily-filtered TFM girls are making it impossible to post a picture without feeling a tad self-conscious. With girls like them out there, how are us normal girls supposed to compare? The answer is we don't and shouldn't ever try to. Why be anyone but yourself?

Ladies, just know your man may be following those accounts and random girls who you wish he wasn't.

Do not get jealous. He's with you because he sees something amazing in you, and wants to be with you for your beautiful smile and lovable laugh, not your boobs being plastered all over the Internet. Shotgunning a beer in under a minute isn't a skill his mother wants to see, she wants to see you be there for her son when things get tough, to be someone that will help him grow into the man she always dreamed he will become.

In the end, know your worth, and don't let yourself get caught up in not being as perfect as those girls on the discovery page.

You're amazing in your own way, and the right guy will see that and scoop you up when you least expect it.

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