Having big boobs is a blessing as well as a curse. For a society that sexualizes boobs so much, it is insane to me that there is so much judgment and non-inclusion for people with larger breasts. As someone with big boobs, I thought I would share my thoughts on some of the most annoying situations I have encountered. It's crazy, because my breasts are something that I cannot control that is a part of my body, and yet some people act as though I can or should.
1. Staring
"My eyes are up here" is an understatement. Listen, we both know I have big boobs, but I also am a human being that deserves basic decency and respect in a conversation. It's not that hard to stop unwanted and inappropriate staring.
3. Not having certain clothes fit correctly
For a society that has SO many diverse bodies, clothing REALLY needs to step its game up. Rest in peace all the cute button up shirts that do that weird thing for girls with big breasts that I cannot wear.
4. Sleeping in weird positions
I literally look a crazy person sometimes when I go to bed because I have to get the perfect position that doesn't make my back or my chest hurt.
6. People judging
When I wear something as simple as a v-neck t-shirt, I'm automatically trying too hard to be sexy just because my breasts look big in it. Can't I just enjoy a shirt without being sexualized?
7. Unwanted touching
Just stop. NEVER touch someone with explicit consent. At a party once a boy honked my boobs and told me that he did it because they were "out for everyone". If I ever see him again I think I'll cut his hands off.
8. Unwanted comments
If I need to say it louder for the people in the back, I will. CATCALLING IS NOT A COMPLIMENT. STOP IT. Defining me by my body is inappropriate and not sexy.
9. Strapless bras
Strapless bras were not really made for us girls with bra sizes over C. They have no support!
Even with all of this being said, I love my body, including my boobs, and am working towards helping others feel the same way. Who cares about opinions! Love your boobs, big or small, and be proud of who you are. And if a "first world problem" situation happens, like too much boob sweat, just laugh it off.