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Some Advice For The Characters Portrayed In HBO's 'GIRLS'

Some advice that I think would benefit this crazy ensemble.

Some Advice For The Characters Portrayed In HBO's 'GIRLS'

After binge-watching this show heavily, I think it's safe to say that we all know people like this. I think there are some beautiful things about each character as well. Here is some advice to each one of the characters from this raunchy, yet humorous, six season charade.

Hannah Horvath


Hannah, though you are true to yourself, you tend to create most of your problems. You are very unique, and that is what people find admirable about you. Though, sometimes you put yourself in these strange predicaments that seemingly aren't ideal for any other normal human being. Ultimately, this renders you with a victim complex. You think everyone is out to get you, and you think the world revolves around you. One thing that particularly stands out is your lack of tact, you are very wise and you voice your opinions even when you shouldn't. You make yourself seem too immature at times, but it's part of who you are, and I enjoy watching you embrace it.

Shoshanna Shapiro


Shoshanna, you are far too innocent about the ways of life, but you should not have felt pressured to be active with anyone. It sucks to watch you search for love in all the wrong places, but you eventually learned. You took risks, and tried new things. You even made new friends, and decided that your old friends were too toxic for you, and that's really important. You moved to Japan, and then you came back. You graduated from college with a marketing degree. You have lived, and possibly more than your friends. You learned to stand up for yourself, and especially to those who have pained you in life at some point, like your cousin Jessa. You got engaged, and it was so heartwarming to watch you grow from a timid girl to a strong woman.

Marnie Michaels


Marnie, you are the most selfish out of the bunch. You truly don't know what you want. You are too uptight. You got married for the wrong reasons, you were unfaithful or disrespectful to your partners and it was because you didn't respect yourself. Your love for art and creating things is so admirable, but you put your friends last until you needed them. Learn to respect yourself, and your friends. Learn to let loose. Be yourself, truly.

Jessa Johansson


Jessa, you are such a free spirit and soul. You are broken, but you persevere through it all. You are so effortlessly flawless, and you don't settle for less than you deserve. You set your sights on anything, and can get it. You could have the world in your hands if you let it happen. You are a true risk-taker. Be more careful not to get hurt. Know your limitations. Learn to find stability. Stability isn't always scary or boring.

Adam Sackler


Adam, I did not like you in the beginning. You were just like any other dude, in my opinion. But you are a truly caring, and intellectual person. Though, you and Hannah could never seem to get it right, I think it was best for you because she pushed you to do something that you loved. She pushed you to continue acting, and then you made it big! You were a brilliant actor, and you were your own worst critic. Learn to take criticism. Learn to be alone and be happy with yourself.

Ray Ploshansky


Ray, you are the most honest person, and it was awesome. You were everyone's friend, and you hardly took a stance on any given situation. You gave lectures, but they were needed. You grew your business, you grew as a person, and you grew up and found out what you wanted and didn't want in your life. Your philosophical approach to life made it both likable and annoying, but it was inspirational nonetheless. Keep being yourself. Keep being vocal, but maybe hold back on some of the lectures.

Elijah Krantz


Elijah, you are so dorky. That is why everyone loves you, because you truly don't care. You are brutally honest about what your friends are saying or doing. You don't support their bad decisions, instead you do it with them! You are the partner in crime. You are drama queen, but in the best kind of way. You are everyone's dream bestfriend. Stick to your guns. Know that you're mega-talented, and can do whatever you want as long as you commit!

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