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14 Beer Related Gifts For The Guy In Your Life

Guys love beer so wow the man in your life with these cool beer related gifts!

14 Beer Related Gifts For The Guy In Your Life
Photo by kazuend on Unsplash

Thankfully for beer fanatics, there are so many cool beer related gifts out there. Take a peer at these games, clothing, books, and much more that all beer lovers will appreciate!

1. LED light up beer pong set

This light up beer pong set puts a twist on a classic beer drinking game. It is sure to mesmerize everyone at any sort of gathering!

Price: $37.00

2. Drinking card game

Who does not love drinking games? Here is a newer one which makes you say, do, and dare others to do specific things listed on each card.

Price: $ 15.99

3. Beer dispenser

This fancy beer dispenser allows the man in your life to pour a fresh glass of beer whenever he wants! He will feel like he is at brewery and will never want to drink canned/bottled beer again!

Price: $39.99

4. Blind beer tasting board game

This blind beer tasting game with surely get you and your guy drunk. It can be used at home or a bar and is great for testing your knowledge of different beers.

Price: $ 29.99

5. A craft beer crash course book 

Does the guy in your life wanna brush up on his knowledge of craft beer? This book will do just that!

Price: $12.20

6. All 50 states beer cap map 

We all know those people who collect wine corks or beer caps. And here is a neat way to display all those craft beer caps with fascinating designs and colors. Any guy will love this in his house!

Price: $35.99

7. A parody book for beer lovers

This gift idea is for a guy with a sense of humor. Remember, the children's book Goodnight Moon? Here is the 21+ version for beer advocates.

Price: $13.42

8. Beer guzzler helmet

The beer lover who still has not grown up will absolutely adore this gift! It'll make him as happy as a kid in a candy store!

Price: $11.89

9. Craft beer drinking game

This beer drinking game is a twist on Cards Against Humanity. You will surely have a fun, boozy time while playing this game!

Price: $29.99

10. Beer socks

Everyone loves themed socks right? These silly socks will blow the socks off any guys outfit!

Price: $8.99

11. IPA t-shirt

Big IPA fans will admire this shirt. It is very clever and will make anyone laugh!

Price: $16.95

12. Life is "brewtiful" t-shirt

This shirt is great for visiting breweries and trying new craft beers. Your guy will fit in with any beer lover while wearing this!

Price: $15.99-$17.99

13. Beer infused hot sauce

This gift is perfect for the beer lover and hot sauce enthusiast. You probably did not even know this existed but guys will try anything and surely be a fan!

Price: $27.99

14. Beer soap

Guys are messy and this beer infused soap will help with that. It'll be a great incentive for them to shower on the regular!

Price: $9.99

Please note that prices are accurate and items in stock as of the time of publication. As an Amazon Associate, Odyssey may earn a portion of qualifying sales.

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