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10 Gifts To Buy Every College Girl Who Has No Idea What She Wants

9. An all-inclusive spring break...


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It's almost the holiday season which means that you are probably looking or going to start looking for presents for those in your life (hmm...this is a hint to not wait until Christmas Eve and you know who you are). You may be making your list and checking it twice just to find out that you have no idea what to buy your college-aged best friend, sister, daughter, niece, or girlfriend because she already has everything that she wants.

She may not be able to tell you exactly what she wants because every time she wants something she just buys it, thanks to her parents making her have a job, so you have no idea what to buy her. I don't want you to start freaking out yet because I'm the college-aged girl who's here to save the day with this list of presents that she will love. (To my family who has no idea what to buy me: all the ideas on this list would make amazing gifts, just saying.)

1. Starbucks gift cards

Starbucks gift cards are always an easy go- to that any college girl will love. Plus we don't feel as bad spending $7+ on a drink when we use a gift card because it's not real money, right?

2. Fuzzy blankets

I don't care if I have one or thirty fuzzy blankets, I will always need more.

3. Gift cards to her favorite restaurant!

We are in college and food from our favorite restaurant is a splurge for us on most days.

4. Face masks


College is stressful and face masks help us relax while helping us take care of our skin.

5. Socks

No matter what her preferred style of sock is, she will love a pair of brand new socks! *Bonus points if the socks are fuzzy!*

6. School supplies


In all honesty, the last semester has been heck and all of our school supplies are gone. Please slip some pens and pencils into our stockings and put some of our textbooks for next semester under the tree.

7. Winter clothes and accessories

Odds are we have been suffering through the cold for the last month because all of our winter clothes have been at home. Please do us the solid and help us update our winter wardrobe by adding some cute sweaters, leggings, boots, beanies, scarves, and gloves into the mix.

8. Vera Bradley

We all are probably are in need of a new something from Vera Bradley...even if we don't "need" it we probably want it. *bonus points if you match the pattern to stuff that we already have*

9.  An all-inclusive spring break...

Every college girl's dream is to have a spring break completely paid for and what better time to make this dream come true than at Christmas? (Just joking....maybe.)

10. Time with you. 

In all seriousness, she will love the gift of being able to relax and spend time with you over the holiday season.

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