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8 Nostalgic Shows Every Person in Gen Z Grew Up Watching And Still Remembers Today

Every Gen Z definitely watched all of these shows!

8 Nostalgic Shows Every Person in Gen Z Grew Up Watching And Still Remembers Today

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Growing up, like any other kid, I loved watching TV shows that I was able to relate to and that were filled with humor. I wouldn't be watching them alone either because my entire family would also watch and enjoy with me. These shows have given us entertainment along with many life lessons. Here are 8 shows that every Gen Z person grew up watching!

1. "Good Luck Charlie"


"Good Luck Charlie" is by far my favorite Disney show. This show had the ups and downs of being part of a crazy family and knowing that no matter how crazy things can get in life, your family will always have your back. With Charlie being the youngest child, the entire show taught life lessons and had the craziest relationships within any family.

2. "iCarly"


"iCarly" was another show that my entire family would love watching. It had the brother and sister relationship with Carly and Spencer and how no matter what happens, Spencer will always be there for Carly, like any older sibling would be. It had humor and friendship and was a perfect show to sit down and forget all your worries.

3. "Hannah Montana"

This show was empowering to girls and showed that anyone can do anything if they work hard to reach their dreams. It had the relationship between best friends, siblings, and father and daughter. It was a comedic show with many unique storylines in each episode.

4. "Suite Life on Deck"

"Suite Life on Deck" is a humorous show that took the audience through many ups and downs about life in general. It was a unique show that took place on a cruise ship and was definitely something that everyone loved!

5. "Wizards of Waverly Place"


This show was magical with the aspect of the family being wizards. Even with that, the show perfectly showed the struggles of being a middle child through the main character, Alex. It also showed the glories of family love and friendship.

6. "Phineas and Ferb"


This show was summer goals. If everyday of summer was spent the way Phineas and Ferb did, it would be an endless series of crazy adventures. It fulfilled every kid's summer dream and had some crazy twists that made the show completely bingeable.

7. "Jessie"


This show had a character that every single person could relate to. With many life obstacles and challenges that each character faced, the show's characters would bond in a different way that would make people want to keep watching.

8. "Shake it Up"


"Shake it Up" was a show about two best friends that every pair of best friends would model after. They were inseparable and were the ultimate goals. Trust me; everyone wanted to be just like them, too.

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