I See A Future Where Child Sex Trafficking Is Abolished
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I See A Future Where Child Sex Trafficking Is Abolished

How one organization, Backyard Broadcast, is raising awareness to prevent trafficking in the U.S.

I See A Future Where Child Sex Trafficking Is Abolished
The Heat Mag

Backyard Broadcast is a for-youth, by-youth movement that avidly works to abolish child sex trafficking in America through awareness, legislation and police training. Yes, I said child sex trafficking, and yes, in America. A majority of the population, at least in the last five years or so would hear sex trafficking and think of the movie Taken, or picture brothels in third-world countries. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's happening here, in America, in Florida, in Utah, Idaho, Washington, you name it, in our very backyards. The problem is, over 90% of the population had absolutely no idea this actually happened, but it is very real; so real, in fact, that human trafficking is rising to become America's and the world's first largest organized crime, with over 100,000 children being trafficked for sex, labor and sexual activities every year. Why? Because these predators have realized that while you can sell a drug only once, you can sell a person numerous times a day. It is the epitome of modern day slavery. When I say child sex trafficking, I mean children, ranging from ages 6 to 18, being bribed, groomed, forced and coerced into sexual labor. These pimps and traffickers are praying on the one element that makes us most susceptible to being taken: our vulnerability - our youth. Yes, the majority of victims are picked out of foster care, off the street as homeless youths, and runaways from homes of abuse or neglect, but the scary thing is, in many cases, victims were once just an ordinary kid: head cheerleader, great relationship with her parents, and successful in high school, Natasha still became a victim of sex trafficking. This is the truth. Child sex trafficking is very real, and it is our job to abolish this tragic crime.

I became involved with Backyard Broadcast just over 4 years ago, when the director, Terry Palmer, who was also my youth group leader and family friend, suggested that I attend this information meeting/training for an organization called Backyard Broadcast. At first, I thought "Cool! I definitely need a program to fulfill my high school required community service hours..why not!" I arrived at the meeting, and for those of you who have seen television show How I Met Your Mother, I had an experience where the "glass wall shattered." See, before attending this movement, I was part of the majority population to whom child sex trafficking in America was an entirely foreign matter; I had no idea. They showed me a video, where a variety of victims told their stories, and numbers and statistics poured across the board. It broke my heart. In that very moment, I knew that as a fellow breathing, feeling human being; as a youth, a peer of these abused youth, it was my absolute duty to do whatever I could to save but one; to join the fight. This devastating reality registered with me on a much more profound level: I saw the face of my little sister. I Imagined her being taken and forced into sexual slavery, and it scared the s*** out of me. Furthermore, at a very young age, I had seen, first-hand, the effects of sexual abuse. I knew the fear it instilled in the victim, the sensation of guilt and self-worthlessness that followed. I had seen this pain on such a familiar level, that from then on, I would never be able to turn my cheek to this issue, I would see it through to the end; to abolishment.

At Backyard Broadcast, we firmly believe and abide by the platform that awareness breeds prevention. See, the biggest problem was that no one knew it was occurring, and those who did, saw these victims as child prostitutes. Trust me, no 8 year old wakes up one day and decides that she is going to earn the money to pay for her new bike by sleeping with some old man. This is why we hold police trainings and work with legislators. Police officers need to be able to identify the pimp (man/woman who sells the child) or john (man/woman who purchases the sex), and arrest them, not the victim. Hand in hand, working with legislators allowed us to pass the Safe Harbor Bill with Senator Hatch, stating that any person under the age of 18 seen in a case of sexual exploitation be identified as a victim and NOT a prostitute. Ultimately, as a society, if we may all be aware of this issue, we are that much closer to stopping it as a whole. When we are aware, we may protect ourselves and those around us from being susceptible, and we are also empowered to talk about it, which will result in that much more awareness. Today, we are at the tipping point. With attention from media, legislators, police force and the general population buzz, we are on the brink of abolishment. Think of it as a parallel to the civil rights movement. At first, no one cared, it was the norm. Then as more and more people became aware of the unjust inequality that was occurring, the issue began to spread. Finally, with the arising of protests, influx of media attention, speakers such as MLK Jr and Abraham Lincoln, slavery was abolished. Now is the time to use our voices, to speak out against this issue, spread the word and make a difference.

The biggest realization I have gained through my work with Backyard Broadcast, is that growing up, we are influenced to believe that the adults hold all the power. Our parents tell us what to do, our doctors makes us better,the president runs the nation, and as youths, our job is to sit and listen, and one day earn the power of an influential voice. What I have discovered, is that this is so far from the truth. In my work with Backyard Broadcast, I have been interviewed by numerous journalists and local news stations, testified on behalf of legislation at the Capitol in SLC, UT, presented to a variety of audiences and participated as a panelist. The adults were listening to me, just a kid, and were moved by what I had to say. Through the power of my voice, my youthful voice, I have made a difference in the world. I want to leave you with this: awareness breeds prevention, and as empathetic human beings, I call on all of you to not let my message die here. If you tell just one person that child sex trafficking exists in America, then that person tells a friend and that friend tells another, the movement lives on, and we become one step closer to the abolishment of child sex trafficking.

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