12 Funniest Crimes That Were Actually Committed
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12 Funniest Crimes That Were Actually Committed

As crazy as they may sound, these are all actual crimes people have committed.

pizza with cheese and vegetables

With so much negativity in the news every day, it is refreshing to read about people committing the funniest and strangest crimes. From fast food being delivered to a lawyer's office without him ordering any to a man trying to pawn stolen jewelry in a store managed by the woman he just robbed, sometimes crimes are just plain ridiculous.

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These are just 12 of the most hilarious crimes ever committed.

1. A couple discovered a burglar in their house after the burglar laughed at the husband's joke.

man in sunglasses laughs Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Now I just wonder what the joke was and if it was really that funny to make a burglar laugh.

2. A man high on bath salts breaks into a house and puts up Christmas decorations.

man puts up christmas decorations after breaking into home Photo by James Wheeler on Unsplash

Well, I mean, at least now they don't have to put up their Christmas decorations.

3. A man reports thieves stole his cannabis plant and gets himself arrested.

old school rotary telephone Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

In his defense, the police do say you should report any time a crime occurs.

4. A man's flatulence gets him charged with battery.

smelly gas in the air Photo by Mulyadi on Unsplash

Apparently, he farted and motioned towards the arresting officer. I imagine how bad the smell must have been for the officer to feel like he was attacked.

5. A lawyer gets pizzas and other fast food items delivered to his office after a stranger places the orders.

gooey slice of pizza Photo by Pablo Pacheco on Unsplash

If the lawyer doesn't have to pay for the pizza, is it really a crime? I mean, it's pizza!

6. A woman beats her boyfriend because he "finished" before her.

couple cuddles in bed Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Apparently, during sex, the boyfriend got off first and the girlfriend proceeded to beat him. Well, men, just be sure, if you ever sleep with this woman, let her finish first.

7. A man breaks into Pizza Hut and fries wings.

local Pizza Hut restaurant Photo by Saumya Rastogi on Unsplash

This guy was drunk and decided he wanted to fry some wings. So what does he do? He breaks into Pizza Hut. I mean, I guess that's logical.

8. A son robs his mom because he thought he could only be charged with burglary if done at night.

sunshine during the day Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

I just wonder what on Earth made him think you could only be charged with burglary at night? Like, how do you even get to that conclusion?

9. A man eats his own underwear hoping to beat a breathalyzer test.

underwear hangs on clothing line Photo by Esteban Bernal on Unsplash

I guess he thought the material of the underwear would take away the odor of alcohol. I mean, again, how do you get to that conclusion? And, more importantly, how do you eat your own underwear?

10. A woman tries to trade an Olive Garden salad for drugs.

Olive Garden restaurantcommons.wikimedia.org

She went up to an undercover cop and offered to give him an Olive Garden salad in exchange for some drugs. Olive Garden salads are pretty delicious.

11. A Romanian Parliament member tries to bribe people with fried chicken.

fried chicken on metal grill Photo by Shardar Tarikul Islam on Unsplash

Now, it takes a creative person to use something like chicken to get votes. I guess he really loves chicken and figured his voters would too.

12. A man pawns stolen jewelry at a store managed by the woman he robbed.

jewelry with blue gemstones Photo by Arteum.ro on Unsplash

If you ever doubted karma, just read this story. Karma was definitely like "don't worry girl, I got you" with this woman and her thief.

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