Things We Could Fund Instead Of The Wall | The Odyssey Online
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5 Things We Could Fund Instead Of Funding The Wall

In case you missed it Mr. President and others who are pro-wall, you don't have to have tanned skin to be an illegal immigrant.

5 Things We Could Fund Instead Of Funding The Wall

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In case you've been living under a rock, a Florida man created a go-fund-me to help raise one billion dollars for the building of the wall on the United States and Mexico border. In regards to the border wall, there are plenty of arguments that go into the possible pros of the wall such as the wall will help decrease illegal immigration, help protect private property, and possibly save lives.

However, there are plenty of counter-arguments as to why the border wall is the worst idea in the world. One, there are plenty of other things that need fixing and funding before worrying about a dumb wall. If illegal immigration is such a concern, shouldn't we be fixing the system of becoming a citizen of the United States? Maybe we should be looking into reform rather than wasting tax-payer money on a wall that is only going to possibly help decrease illegal immigration from one country. In case you missed it Mr. President and others who are pro-wall, you don't have to have tanned skin to be an illegal immigrant.

In fact, there are plenty of other more pressing matters in the United States that could be fixed or on the road to being fixed if the government used the one billion dollars towards other causes. Here is a list of a few things we could fund instead and though this list is short, just let it be a way to spark ideas as to how your money can actually be used to benefit society instead of tearing it apart.

1. Flint Michigan's water.

The border wall go-fund-me is wanting to fund one billion dollars towards the wall. Estimated costs to fix Flint, Michigan's lead pipes an estimated $55 million. With the one billion dollars, we could fund Flint's pipes eight-teen times. To read more on Flint's water situation click here.

2. Planting 2,000,000 trees.

It costs roughly $500 to plant one tree, with one billion dollars we could plant 2,000,000 trees. Mmmm oxygen. Let's make America green again...literally.

3. Eradicate polio for good.

Since 1998 polio has decreased by 99% and can be eradicated by a $1.3 billion dollar investment. Which the go-fund-me can easily make a big dent in helping meet that goal to help eradicate a curable disease. For more information click here..

4. Give public school teachers a $320 bonus check.

This past fall of 2018, there was an estimated 3.2 million public school teachers in the United States. Evenly divided up the one billion dollars could give each public school teacher a $320 bonus check for all of their hard work they do every single day.

5. 12,500 taco trucks.

Forbes magazine estimates that it takes around $80,000 to start up a taco food truck...which means with one billion dollars we could start up 12,500 taco trucks. With there being 50 states this means we could supply 250 taco trucks per state. We the people in order to form a more perfect taco...

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