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6 Fun Things To Do Inside During A Snow Day

While you are preparing for a day at home, here are a few things you can do so that you won't have to venture out into the freezing cold weather right outside your door.


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The weather outside can only be described as one thing: awful! This type of cold should only be found in the deepest parts of Antarctica. While Mother Nature unleashes her icy fury outside, here are a few activities that will keep you occupied so you do not have to put on five layers of clothing and trek out into the unforgiving cold.

1. Binge watch a show...any show

While binge-watching is an everyday staple for many people (especially colleges kids), turning on Netflix on a cold day and watching season after season of a show really hits the spot.

2. Online shop until you drop

Let's be honest, shopping is the best. Nothing and I do mean nothing, can beat it. Why not curl up on the couch, grab that laptop, and get those amazing online deals? If people judge you, just tell them you couldn't go to the stores because it was too cold outside. Nobody can disagree with you on that one.

3. Spa day

Spa days always make for great days, so have one inside and watch outside as the wind blows and the snow comes down. If you know a snowstorm is about to come your way, buy a few bath bombs, a face mask or two, and a few magazines and pour yourself a nice bath and relax. You deserve it!

4. Try out new recipes

Trying out new recipes can always be an exciting thing to do on a day in! It can even be better when you do not have to leave the comfort of your house to go get a ton of ingredients that you might not use again. Apps like SuperCook let you make a list of ingredients you already have and suggests recipes based on those ingredients. So pull out the pots and pans and make something warm and hearty to keep you from freezing!

5. Declutter

Let's face it, we all have way too much stuff laying around our rooms. From the pile of clothes we haven't worn since junior year of high school to the pile of empty water bottles under our bed, there are plenty of things we no longer need. So, why not Marie Kondo-it-up on a cold day and figure out what things "spark joy" to you and which things need to be thrown in the trash.

6. Learn a new language

Out of this whole article, this suggestion might be the most boring. However, you can actually have lots of fun downloading a language app from the app store and playing around with it. Apps like Duolingo allow you to learn multiple languages spanning from Russian to Chinese. With all the hours in a day, you'll be able to learn a new language to curse out the awful weather in.

The winter weather can be something of our nightmares when we think about it. With the nasty winter weather comes potential snow days which can be quite boring when you have nothing to do. So the next time you get lucky and have a snow day, pick a few of these options I've listed for you and enjoy your day at home and out of the extreme cold.

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