21. Go to a theme park. | The Odyssey Online
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21 Summer Date Ideas To Look Forward To

You don't want to waste your few months of freedom.

21 Summer Date Ideas To Look Forward To

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The spring semester is nearing its end. This means that summer is coming up, and quick. Here are a few ideas for fun and unique dates.

1. Have a pool day.

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Spending a day with your significant other out by the pool, getting some sun. The perfect day.

2. Go to a carnival.


There's nothing like kissing on a ferris wheel.

3. Go to a drive-in movie.


It may seem old-fashioned, but drive-in movies are ALWAYS a good time. Fun, private, and romantic.

4. Have a beach day.


The salt, the sand, the fresh air. There's nothing more summery than that.

5. Have a sunset picnic.


Pack a cooler full of your favorite foods and find a nice spot. Spend a couple hours in solitude. Watch the sun go down and the stars come up. What is better?

6. Road trip to a nearby city.


Turn on some summertime jams and go find some hidden treasures.

7. Spend a day finding the best ice cream in your area.


Taste test all the ice cream places in your town and find your favorite. It's a good excuse to eat ice cream all day.

8. Watch fireworks.


This would probably be an Independence Day thing, but still fun.

9. Have a bonfire with a bunch of your friends.


There's nothing better than staying up late and having those deep discussions by the fire.

10. Go to a concert.


Splurge and get yourself tickets to see your favorite artist. It'll be something you won't regret.

11. Go horseback riding.


Get a little out of your comfort zone and spend time in nature with some of the most beautiful animals out there.

12. Go strawberry picking.


Not only is this a fun activity, it is also a yummy one. You get to eat all that you pick.

13. Make watermelon sculptures.


Turn this into a competition; see who can make theirs the prettiest sculpture!

14. Go stargazing.


Search for constellations and other patterns you can find. There's nothing quite like laying under the stars!

15. Spend a day out on the water.


Sailboating, paddle boarding, kayaking, fishing. Find some water and enjoy it.

16. Go to a food truck festival.


There's not much better than spending time with your significant other, but spending time with them and trying delicious food... yum.

17. Go go-cart racing.


Competitive AND exciting!

18. Have a water fight.


Water balloons, water guns, etc. It's all fun, just pick your weapon.

19. Have a game night.


This can be board games, video games, or any other kind of game. Order a pizza, invite some other couples over, and kick back.

20. Have a sand volleyball tournament.


A perfect excuse to having some fun competition in great weather.

21. Go to a theme park.


Disney World. Need I say more?

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