The 'Friends' Characters As Social Media Apps
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The 'Friends' Characters As Social Media Apps

Which app do you think each character would be?

The 'Friends' Characters As Social Media Apps

I know what you’re all wondering — which social media app best represents each principle character in the hit TV show “Friends”? Well, your wait is finally over because it’s time that we properly bring the group of “20-something’s” into the 21st century.

1. Monica Geller – Pinterest

Monica is best known on the show for being the group’s “mom” due to her obsessive organization and her constant supply of food. Like Pinterest, Monica has a recipe for everything that you could ever hope to make. Her freshly made food is also usually only a couple of feet away from the group of friends just like the app is a click away for us. Additionally, her meticulous tendencies mimic the app’s ability to save, sort and manage pins — or images — for later use. She would, without a doubt, be inseparable from the app if the series were set today.

2. Chandler Bing – YouTube

Those funny videos that you watched all night on YouTube instead of starting your 10-page history paper? Not much different than the friends sitting around the coffee shop, as Chandler makes jokes and sarcastic quips, instead of going to work. Chandler has a remark for everything, much like YouTube, and if the series were set today, there is not a doubt in my mind that he would be getting material from there — only for Ross and Joey to call him out on his lack of original material.

3. Joey Tribbiani – Tinder

Joey and Tinder — one might say that the two are a “match” made in Heaven. Joey is infamous for his one-night stands and hook-ups, much like the app. Additionally, his age preference and "radius" are wide — like one's settings on the app can be —because he certainly doesn't want to risk missing out on an opportunity as a result of being “too picky.”

4. Ross Geller – MySpace

Ross is outdated in most ways, so why would his social media personality be any different? MySpace is a thing of the past; similar to the dinosaurs that Ross devotes his life to studying. Ross also has a tendency to over-share, much like people who once used the social media app did.

5. Phoebe Buffay – RedKaraoke

I’m guessing that you have never heard of this app — I didn’t either until writing this article —, but it personifies Phoebe. It’s quirky and off the grid — not much different from her. The app’s purpose is to let the users “sing to their hearts’ content.” Rather than singing alone in the shower, as the app describes, you can sing with "other karaoke lovers." You better believe that Phoebe would manage to teach other people “Smelly Cat.”

6. Rachel Green – Snapchat

I don’t know about any of you, but all I can imagine is Rachel using every new Snapchat filter as it comes out. Between the dog-ears, the flower crown and the golden birds, the options are endless and she would certainly pull all of them off. She also would not be largely different from the constant selfies of girls with pouty lips, posing with their friends before a night out.

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