15 Must-See Foreign Films To Add To Your Watchlist | The Odyssey Online
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15 Must-See Foreign Films To Add To Your Watchlist

Here are a few foreign films from across the world that are worth more than a few watches.

15 Must-See Foreign Films To Add To Your Watchlist
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Sometimes the same old movies just won’t do especially after watching them ten thousand times. We all need some fresh new films to add to your watch library, but have you ever ventured off into foreign territories. Take a one way trip to these countries through the cinematic sense. Here are some of my favorite foreign movies that you should definitely watch.

1. The Intouchables (France)

The first time ever seeing this film was in my high school French class and boy am I grateful to have seen it. This comedy about a quadriplegic aristocrat who hires an ex-con as his caregiver is heartwarming as we venture into an unsuspected friendship between the characters, Phillippe and Driss.

2. Forgotten (Korea)

If you’re a Kang HaNeul fan like I am then this Netflix original was a must see. This last film he stars in before serving mandatory military service makes his performance all the more better. When Jinseok’s brother is abducted and missing for 19 days it prompts him to investigate the strange events that occur upon his return.

3. Midnight Runners (Korea)

This action comedy starring King HaNeul and Park Seojoon is refreshing and engaging. Two police academy students who witness a kidnapping must help victims of a human trafficking ring before it’s too late.

4. Twenty (Korea)

This young adult film follows three young Koreans (Kim Woobin as Chi Ho, Lee Junho as Dong Woo and Hang HaNeul as Kyung Je) through their 20’s. All I have to say is this is absolutely hilarious and relatable and worth a few watches.

5. New Trial (Korea)

Another Kang HaNeul film (lol) follows the journey of a failed lawyer whose marriage is on the rocks while he takes on the case of a young convicted murderer who claims he was framed.

6. Chongqing Hotpot (China)

I found this gem while on a plane trip to Asia. Three friends decide to open up a hot pot restaurant only to find out the former bomb shelter where it’s located is connected to a nearby bank vault. The plot seems simple, but the film packs a punch.

7. Hope (Korea)

Now this one is a TEAR JERKER. If you don’t cry when watching this it’ll confirm your lack of human emotion. Unfortunately, this is based on a true story where tragedy strikes a family when the brutal rape of their 8-year-old daughter leaves her both physically and mentally damaged. Nonetheless, it truly is a wonderful film.

8. Silenced (Korea)

ANOTHER tearjerker based on a true story that’ll lead you fuming follows a young teacher (Gong Too)who takes a job at a school for deaf children. When he notices an abuse of power at the school he quickly tries to unravel the hell the students are living in.

9. The Red Balloon (France)

I first saw this classic 1956 film in my middle school French class. It follows a young boy and his red balloon through the streets of Paris. The plot is simple though the film is cinematically innovative.

10. Battle Royale (Japan)

Honestly, I debated adding this movie to the list because who hasn’t seen it. Before there was The Hunger Games there was the much more gruesome Battle Royal which follows a class of Japanese students who are placed on an island where they are meant to kill one another until there is one lone winner. Yes, it is that wild.

11. My Annoying Brother (Korea)

Also called Hyung, this movie starring Do Kyungsoo and Jo Jungsuk follows a pair of brothers around (one being an ex-con, the other a blind Judo athlete) as one brother prepares to win gold at the Paralympics.

12. 20 Once Again (China)

A seventy-year-old lady magically wakes up as her 20-year-old self and must navigate through the 21st century as a baby boomer trapped in a youthful body. It sort of put me in the mind of 17 again, but hey who said we didn’t want another version of the film.

13. Pure Love (Korea)

This movie is sweet, but tragically so. Bumsil, a radio host transports himself to his teenage years after reading at 23-year-old letter. He reminisces about his first love and unforgettable friendships he has made.

14. Spirited Away (Japan)

You literally don’t have to be Japanese for this Oscar winning Studio Ghibli film to be apart of your childhood. It follows 10 year old Chihiro into a world filled with witches, spirits and other unworldly non humans. She must find her way out of this place along with her parents whom have turned into giant pigs.

15. The Impossible (Spain)

At first I didn’t even know this was a Spanish film until I looked up the director. J.A. Bayona. It follows a European family on a Boxing Day trip to Thailand. Based on the true events of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, the family must find each other, alive or dead, in the aftermath of the natural disaster. (P.s. it stars TOM HOLLAND #spideygang).

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