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For The Student Struggling Through Online Midterms

Here's 15 study tips to get you through online school with midterms!

For The Student Struggling Through Online Midterms
Rachel Klumpp

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Online school has been an adjustment for all of us. It's been hard and t hasn't been fun. Midterms and finals are always a hard time for college so adding online school on top of it makes it double the struggle. Here are 15 tips to help you through the stress of online school

Make a schedule 

Print out a calendar or use your planner and make a schedule for the assignments and tests you have coming up.

Treat your online classes like you would your in-person classes

Don't dismiss online school. Treat it as though you are going to class and have deadlines. Even pick a time during the week that you repeatedly work on that class and act as though that is your class time. This will help having a set schedule. Study as you would study for an in person class

Schedule your time before an exam effectively 

2 weeks before the exam~ Make a plan & space out the information in small parts

1 week before~ Look over the study materials & find someone to study with & try to review at least some information every night that week

The night before~ Don't let this be the first time you review & don't cram it all in. Do a review & get a good night sleep

The morning of~ Have a good filling breakfast & make sure to be on time

A few minutes before~ take a deep breath & stay calm

Don't study in your bed or couch

Studies show having a study spot different than where you sleep or relax helps your brain focus and not relax. After hour

Eliminate distractions

Don't study with friends you'll talk to the whole time. Put your phone down. Setting a timer helps where every 30 minutes you study you can be on your phone for 5 minutes.

Have a few different study spots

You don't want to do all of your studying in the same spot. Switch it up!

Maintain your health

Make sure you are getting good amounts of sleep, eating healthy and drinking enough water. You can't do well on your tests if you aren't feeling up to it.

Take advantage of your schools resources

Take advantage of the writing center, career center, ODS, the libraries. They are all still available to students even if your college is 100% virtual

Make studying enjoyable

Play some mellow music, light a candle or use essential oils. Grab your favorite study snacks and caffeine!

Find a tutor beforehand

At least two weeks before your big test take advantage of the free tutors are campus and schedule a few online sessions!

Connect with others in your classes

Start GroupMe's with your classes. If we aren't meeting we don't even know who is in our class so by having a group chat you can ask questions and engage with other students. Communication is vital between the students and the professor so make sure theres open forms of communication

Don't be afraid to ask questions

Whether you are asking the instructor or a fellow classmate or your advisor. Never be afraid to ask questions because if you don't ask then you'll never know

Be transparent with your professor

If you end up getting COVID or have to isolate or you are really struggling be transparent with your professor. They have resources that you may not know of to help. They can't help you if they don't know whats going on. Especially with isolation you don't want to get two weeks behind because you didn't tell your professor. They aren't going to judge you, but they can help.

Be kind to yourself

Don't be too hard on yourself. Take everything one step at a time. No matter what happens everything will work out in the end.

Reward yourself when it's all done! 

You did it! Reward yourself!!

Good luck! You can do it!

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