Ever since I began my journey with the Doctor around three years ago, I noticed that something special about the show made it not only entertain me immensely, but also change a part of my personality I did not realized was being changed for the better.
Before then, I cannot recall any sort of fictional hero I looked up to. Of course there are historical figures that I admired, with Joan of Arc being near the top of the list. However, I wanted someone beyond the bounds of reality that I could aspire to be like and make me feel as though I could conquer impossible tasks. Someone like the Doctor, the man who has saved the universe countless times. The man who not only gains the respect of those he meets, but also establishes an emotional connection with thousands across all of time and space.
I finished my initial Doctor Who swing with the strong finish of the Matt Smith era. Once Peter Capaldi stepped up to the podium and season eight became available, I was ready to see what the new face of my hero would do. Unfortunately, I felt as though season eight was a bust, especially compared to the rest of the series. It may be because the big reveal of the finale was ruined for me before I even started the season, but that should be no excuse for most of the season disappointing me. I had lost much of the euphoria I had when experiencing the Doctor.
Then about a week ago, I started season nine. And I could not stop. Not a single episode was uninteresting, clichéd, predictable or lacking in the emotional depth that kept my heart in the show for this long. After recently finishing the season and loving it with all of my heart, I thought it was only appropriate to show how much of a fan of Doctor Who I am by presenting all of my Doctor Who merchandise I have collected over the years.
Enjoy my quirkiness! I guess you know who inspired that!