Food Recreations: Part 1
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Student Life

Food Recreations: Part 1

Here are Some of the Things You Can Make in the Dining Commons Using the Food that's Available.

Food Recreations: Part 1
Apart Of Life Blog

Hello y'all! If you're like me you are ready for Thanksgiving and the end of the semester; but if not, that's okay too. I'll pray for you. Along with the pile of things we all get bored with, food among the top three for me. Every chance I have I like to get out of the school and have a change of scenery, this, of course, includes eating out or eating at home. Since I know this is the case for quite of few of us on campus who do not like to spend money; I thought about making things from the options provided to us in the Dining Commons. The foods listed are indeed incomplete meals but note that you may pair these options with different foods like fruit and vegetables or even a salad from around the dining commons.

It should be noted that I am not in any way encouraging the breaking of any rules or the improper use of the waffle maker, toaster or panini maker (Please do NOT put things in these devices that don't belong in or on them).

1. Bird Dogs

First off I apologize because this option can only be made on Thursdays. For those of you who are not from the area or any part of the South and have no idea what this delicious unhealthy treat is; it is a hot dog bun that has a chicken tender, tons of shredded cheese, bacon (of some sort), smothered in honey mustard or ranch. This can be created by going to the Classic line to get chicken tenders, followed by going to the Grill to get hot dog buns and then finishing up by going to the Market area to get shredded cheddar cheese and ranch dressing or honey mustard depending on the type of person you are.

2. Fully Loaded Fries

This another fast food type option that is probably in no way even remotely healthy but absolutely delicious. This plate is made by starting out with French Fries (upon availability in the dining commons) found in the Grill and then adding shredded cheddar cheese, bacon or bacon bits, and ranch from the Market area. This plate can also be made with the addition of onions, mushrooms, and jalepeños.

3. Open Faced Sandwiches

It is that time of the year where the weather is getting colder and that can only mean one thing, hot open-faced sandwiches. This sandwich consists of toasted bread, some type of meat, mashed potatoes, and gravy (this sandwich is dependent on the options of the Classic line). Please note that the reason it is called "Open Faced" is because you do not put the two sides of the sandwich together. The first thing you will need to do is get two pieces of bread of your choice from the bread box in the Market area and toast them to your desired toastiness. Then add mashed potatoes and either pork, chicken breasts, or chicken legs from the Classic line (make sure not to include the bones) and put them on top of the toasted bread. Once you have the desired amount of mashed potatoes and meat you may then add all of the gravy that your heart desires.

4. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

This is per the name a grilled cheese sandwich consisting of your choice of bread and cheese. This is the easiest thing to make other than maybe a PB&J. Go to the Deli line in the Market area and then ask for the bread and cheese that you want to use, after you do this, go to the panini maker and place your sandwich on the panini maker (without changing the temperature because it is supposed to stay at 300 degrees), press your sandwich down and then wait three to five minutes depending on how melted you want your cheese, then enjoy.

5. Quesadillas

This option consists of either tortilla or, a wrap and cheese. These items can be found in the Market area at the deli line. Please follow the directions for making a Grilled Cheese sandwich that I described above. To take a new twist that I highly recommend using a tomato basil wrap and provolone cheese instead of the traditional tortilla and cheese for a new twist to a common favorite.

6. PB&J

Yes, that does say peanut butter and jelly. I know it sounds crazy but I love a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch occasionally. The makings for them can be found over in the Market area near the deli line where there is a bowl containing a different variety of jellies like grape and strawberry, and then a separate bowl there is a bowl that contains the little cups of peanut butter. Please feel free to feel like a kid while you eat this but be cautious of the people around you and be aware that there are people who are allergic to peanuts.


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