For every first-year at the University of Virginia, the first home basketball game is a magical experience. Football is fun and all, but basketball is a whole different arena (literally). Walking to John Paul Jones Arena, I was more excited than I could explain. First of all, I ran there, and I don't run, so you could say I was pretty excited. As I was heading to the game, seeing the massive JPJ get closer and closer was a feeling of pure joy and excitement I can honestly say I haven't felt since I've gotten to school.
1. "What entrance do I go to?"
I probably looked like a very confused first-year, and I was. The student entrance was actually the easiest to find, but I was too excited to think clearly.
2. "Where am I supposed to sit?"
I didn't want to miss tip-off, so I frantically ran around until I could find a seat. I ended up in between a bunch of old people, so I'm not sure I was in the right place.
4. "What time does Panera close?"
Okay, yes I am a true fan, but in the midst of being so excited for the game I forgot to eat before.
Basketball season is going to be truly awesome, and maybe even the highlight of my first year at UVA.