My First Trip to San Juan | The Odyssey Online
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I have never been to Puerto Rico, I hear so much from my family and friends that is a great place to explore. Over my fall break, my girlfriends and I decided to go to San Juan Puerto Rico together. This was our first trip all together and we were truly excited. Personally, I think it is essential to travel while you're young, to fill your heart with adventure and exploration and even memories.


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The first day in San Juan it rained all morning, we were all jet lagged and trying to gather our bearings to explore. We decided to stay in an Airbnb which was a great decision. We weren't secluded from anything and really got to see San Juan.

Once the rain disappeared we went to the beach of course! Specifically, Atlantic beach, which is right near Old San Juan. My first impression - beautiful. It was very postcard worthy but in real life, the water was a bright blue and the beach wasn't too crowded either. We spent the entire day there, eating and enjoying the sun.


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The next day, we couldn't help but go by the beach again! It was so comforting and the food by the beach was truly amazing. Specifically, La Panne's which is right near, Atlantic beach on the strip.

This is such a great place to go for breakfast, they are highly known for their breakfast food and their large portions! This area is also great for walking around and exploring what San Juan has to offer. Many locals hang around this area as well, I recommend definitely exploring and finding fun places.

Later in the evening we decided to go into town at LaPlacita de Santurce. If you are looking for good food and good music, this is the place to go. LaPlacita de Santurce is a muststop for anyone visiting Puerto Rico. It was founded more than 100 years ago as a two-tiered market square, full of shops. Now, people can dance salsa or merengue with live music. Basically, it's a place of history, food, and nightlife.


We wanted to dedicate an entire day to exploring Old San Juan. Old San Juan is a vibrant town decorated with colorful buildings and live music at every corner.

First, we went to the Hotel El Convento, Patio del Níspero Restaurant. The Hotel El Convento is one of the most popular hotels in Old San Juan, they mainly host weddings and other events there as well. This is also a very serene place to get out of the sun and enjoy a great meal. Patio del Níspero Restaurant, is a small restaurant inside the hotel that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I recommend their fish taquitos, they're delicious.

The Casa La Blanca was next on our list. It was built in 1521 as a home for Governor Juan Ponce de Leon. It is considered a historic landmark and contains two interesting museums of Indian and colonial artifacts. The view from the castle is also amazing, you get an amazing view of the ocean and Old San Juan. This was definitely one of my favorite highlights of the day.

San Juan is definitely somewhere I know I will revisit. There is so much more to see and experience. How did you spend your fall break?
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