We have a lot to thank the Internet for. For example, communication with friends and relatives has never been easier, getting news is just a click away and funny videos are always available after a hard day. But there is one more thing I want to thank the Internet for: rude people.
This may sound odd considering rude people can make you feel pretty bad and can even border on being trolls but they do help with one thing. While I haven't gotten any negative responses to my articles I have had strangers on the Internet attack me for one or other. If I make a comment on an article about my favorite singer or actor with words of encouragement odds are there will be someone out there who sees it and will try to make me feel bad.
Quite honestly I find most of these people hilarious. Even though they can say some pretty harsh things, I actually would like thank those who have been harsh because they've helped prepare me for my future career. Whether I end up a novelist, blogger, or a freelance journalist my work is going to be out there for people to see and I will receive good and bad feedback regardless of what I write.
I know I can't please everyone but having to deal with harsh words from complete strangers has helped me realize that I have a thick enough skin to deal with it and that I am heading in the right direction with my career field.
Now back to why I find these people funny, well it's pretty simple. Between the name-calling, bad spelling and nonsensical arguments I can't help but laugh at how they think these tools actually help them make their point.
The name-calling while insulting pretty much diminishes their ability to argue properly. If you need to call someone a "moron" to get your point across then it's probably safe to say you don't have much to back up your argument. The irony of it is that while they're trying to make me look bad by calling me a bad name they're actually making themselves look bad by being mean.
Also when they have a complete lack of facts to back up their argument and decide their anger and/or hatred is enough to support their side I have to chuckle. Just because they don't like a person or don't agree with something doesn't mean they have to get in everybody's face about it. An argument based solely on anger and hatred holds very little credibility.
I think my favorite thing though is when they type out their message in ALL CAPS. In my book, once they do that their argument loses all credibility. Basically the all caps is the equivalent of yelling and well let's face it, when you yell the only thing people hear is noise. Same can be said once someone decides all caps is the way to prove their point.
However, no matter what mean and nasty things strangers have said to me online they've actually helped in a big way. Now I know I can handle having my work out there and can take any comments from strangers good and bad. So guess what rude people, your attempt to make me feel bad backfired on you again.