College is all fun and games (and studying too, don't worry Mom and Dad) until finals week. Even stepping back onto campus, though finals is still a few weeks away, the feeling of dread and doom, along with impending fear finals, is evident. You know the phrase "Winter is coming"? Yeah, that's how I feel walking around campus. Sure, I've done the work all semester, but like everyone else is thinking: Will it be enough? So, I've compiled a list of lyrics to describe how we all will be feeling in the next few weeks.
Happy cramming!
1. "I can't stop 'cause I'm having too much fun!"- "What The Hell" by Avril Lavigne
The feeling when you are just living you best life, with finals being a distant thought weeks away..
2. "Omigod, Omigod You Guys!"- Legally Blonde The Musical
When you're just chilling with your friends and everyone suddenly remembers that finals is coming up, like, in three days.
3. "We need a sign to rally the people, to call them to us and bring them in line"-"ABC Cafe/ Red and Black" from Les Miserables
Yep, that is the library calling you. It's a beacon because you KNOW you won't get any work done unless you force yourself to go and join the masses.
4. "You and your words flooded my senses; your sentences left me defenseless"- "Burn" from Hamilton
Alright, so you're finally studying. Expect, none of what you have done for the last 4 months makes sense. You feel like you are literally reading garbage and you want to cry. Oh wait, you are.
5. "I will give you everything, so baby tell me yes, and I will be all yours tonight"- "The Cure" by Lady Gaga
Yep, that is you finally realize that the only way you will pull this off is if you pull an all nigher.
6. "Give yourself a try"- "Give Yourself A Try" by The 1975
Okay, you gotten in the grove. You just gotta keep it up for a few more hours, and your golden.
7. "I'm helpless"- "Helpless" from Hamilton
Alright, you've finally done it. You've studied as hard as you could, and now it's time to take the test. It's out of your hands
8. "Knew he was killer, first time that I saw him"- "..Ready For It" by Taylor Swift
The test is in front of you, and you read the first question. It's going to be a dozy...
9. "Long time gone and it ain't coming back again"- "Long Time Gone" by The Dixie Chicks
Times up. You finished the test, and it's all turned in. No second chances
10. "Talking to God, praying for rain" - "Praying for Rain" by RaeLynn
Expect in this case, rain can be replaced with "An A"
11. "I am afraid, because of you"- "Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson
You're waiting for your grade like