What is the first thing that comes to your head when I mention feminism? Lesbians? Bra-burners? Men hating? If you are like a lot of people, these are some common misconceptions about feminism and feminists.
Oftenenough, feminism is mistaken for misandry which is a hatred of men and belief that women should be in power. Besides that we do think some women should be in power in a male-run government and that feminist, men-haters are rare, this myth is just that, a myth.
Feminism is for everyone, just that at this present time, women are the minority.
A quote from feminist and actor Steve Shives perfectly explains this, "You attain gender equality by advocating for the rights of the underprivileged gender."
Feminism is not, men can hit women. Feminism is not saying women are the only people that can be raped or sexually assaulted. Feminism is not, "I am a woman so I can get away with it". Feminism is not only for women orrun by lesbians.Feminism is not, women are better than men.
Feminism isnoticing that if a man hits a women he goes to jail but if a woman hits a man it gets laughed at and he is looked down on. ABC's, "What Would You Do?" conducted a social experiment where a man abuses a woman in public (disclaimer: they are actors) and many people spoke up and defended the woman.
). But The High On Life YouTube channel did a social experiment and switched the roles, where the woman is abusive. Bystanders took notice but no one actually stood up for the guy: ). As Anyone can see, there is a major issue here.
Feminism is taking into account that, sadly, all genders can get raped or sexually assaulted, which includes men and the LGBTQ community. It is estimated that 43% of lesbian and bisexual women and 30% of gay and bisexual men have experienced at least one form of sexual assault during their lifetimes.
What is surprising is that 68% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police and 98% of rapists will never spend a day in jail.
More statistics can be found at http://www.oneinfourusa.org.
Feminism is, under the appropriate circumstances (crime + how much it will hurt the person (good job, community oriented as compared to repeat felon, gang member) = time served), that women and men should be disciplined equally.
Feminism is comprised of straight men, straight women, lesbians, gays, transgendered people, gender fluid people, every person that feels oppressed for how they are treated.
Some famous feminists are John Lennon, Madonna, Ryan Gosling,Gloria Jean "Bell Hooks" Watkins, author John Green, Jane Goodall, Daniel Radcliffe, Ben Stiller, Prince Harry, and even Barack Obama.
Feminism has nothing to do with gender or sexual orientation.
You do not need to be a female to be a feminist.
Feminism is equality for everyone.