Everything Girls Need To Know About Masturbation
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16 Things Every Gen Z Girl Needs To Know About Masturbation

Guys are not the only ones who can jerk off!

16 Things Every Gen Z Girl Needs To Know About Masturbation

Turns out May is masturbation awareness month and with all the extra time we have on our hands during quarantine, it's perfect timing.

I know masturbation is a taboo topic, especially female masturbation. It may be even more of a forbidden topic than sex itself because girls just don't really talk about it. We talk about our Tinder hookups, our first time using tampons, and our first heartbreak, but young girls don't talk about touching themselves.

I remember in middle school, one of my friends shared with me that while she was watching "Charlie St. Cloud" with her family, she started to rub up against the couch because Zac Efron was just too much. I don't really know where the conversation went from there, but that was the first time I realized that I'm not alone. Other girls get hot, bothered, and wet at the thought of boys, too.

And, once we women get to a certain age, we're ready to say fuck it! We start laughing with our friends about dildos and we realize that masturbation isn't a bad, shameful thing. Pleasuring yourself is a healthy form of self-love and sexual expression.

Guys are not the only ones who can jerk off!

I'm so lucky that my mom sat me down in high school and said, "Learn from my mistakes, I waited until I was 40+ because it was never spoken about and I never realized how amazing it is for you and your relationship." It's unacceptable that20 percent of women have never masturbated. It's time to get to work and lower that percentage to 0.

Us women have to work together to normalize the behavior because masturbation and orgasms are so gooooood. Plus, it's free and just as important as brushing your teeth!

Better late than never, so what are you waiting for? Here's what you should know about masturbation:

1. You're not alone!

You're not the only one thinking about it and you're not the only one who wants to try it.

2. Learning your body will help you enjoy sex with a partner.

Learn what gets you off, learn how you like to be touched, learn what feels good, learn what your vagina looks like! Once you know the ins and outs of you, you will be able to better direct your partner. Both of you will thank you for it.

3. Masturbation doesn't lead to blindness.

Where did this rumor come from anyways?

4. It strengthens your immune system.

Corona, who? OK, but really, touching yourself can help boost your lymphocytes (AKA your infection-fighting cells).

5. If you're using toys, clean them!

Always clean your toys after each use, but don't dunk it in water unless it's waterproof. Been there done that.

6. Not everyone can orgasm on the first, second, or even third time.

It can actually be really hard to step away from your mind and all your stresses, but with practice, it will be worth it.

7. Explore what you like.

On top of exploring your body, explore all the tools at your disposal. Treat yourself to a new toy and play around with one, two, three fingers. When my boyfriend and I just started to date, he surprised me with my first vibrator and if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't start exploring all the options.

8. You are beautiful and deserve it.

Never forget that you deserve to love yourself. You have everything you need and more.

9. Don't be afraid to bring it into your sex life, too.

Trust me, touching yourself while you're rolling around in the sheets is H.O.T. and your partner will melt.

10. It'll help you sleep better.

Can't sleep? Masturbation releases feel-good hormones, so your stress levels will go down and you can drift off to sleep with a smile on your face.

11. Masturbating during your period can relieve cramps.

Period sex is one thing, but taking some me-time during that time of the month will put you at ease.

12. Don't be ashamed.

I hope you read this and wonder why you would because there is absolutely no reason to feel ashamed or guilty. Masturbating is not wrong, it's healthy.

13. A study found that women actually prefer masturbation over sex.

We may not talk about it all the time, but women love touching themselves. It's time for you to get on it.

14. It strengthens your pelvic floor muscles.

Don't worry, masturbating won't replace your workout with your gorgeous trainer, but doing Kegels has all sorts of benefits.

15. Masturbating won't make you less sensitive.

Instead, studies show that women who masturbate report "improved sexual function and lubrication." If you're worried, that a vibrator is burning your clit off, switch things up, and find something that works for you.

16. Your sex life gets better.

There are so many reasons why masturbating can help your relationship. For one, it makes you hornier and when you know what you want in bed, both you and your partner leave the bed satisfied. Don't believe me? Studies show that women who masturbate are in happier marriages compared to those who don't masturbate.

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