'90s Kids' Favorite Halloween Specials And Movies
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'90s Kids' Favorite Halloween Specials And Movies

Something for everyone.

'90s Kids' Favorite Halloween Specials And Movies
Moti Visual DNS

Growing up a '90s kids exposed me to many wonderful holiday specials and movies, some of which are rarely aired on television networks today. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I thoroughly enjoy watching all of the shows and movies that are attributed to this wonderful holiday. There are so many specials to list here that I cannot list them all; many '90s animated shows have episodes dedicated to Halloween, which are great fun to view. Below, I've listed some of the classics from my childhood that I still enjoy watching.

1. Nightmare Before Christmas

This is a Tim Burton classic that is appropriate during Halloween and Christmas, and even then the fun doesn't stop since many people watch this movie throughout the year, holidays aside. We follow Jack through his journey to find the meaning of Christmas after experiencing an empty feeling about Halloween. He journeys to another universe, discovers that Christmas exists, and wants to share his excitement with his fellow Halloween buddies. Sally, the voodoo-doll love interest, attempts to stop Jack due to impending danger and ruin. It's a wonderful story that demands complete attention.

2. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

If you haven't seen or heard of Charlie Brown, you need to stop reading and go watch it. It's essential because there's a special for every holiday (all of which are amazing). This particular special focuses on the kids trick or treating and spending the evening in the pumpkin patch waiting for the "great pumpkin" to appear. It's a fun tale that attracts young kids and gets them in the spirit of the holiday.

3. Hocus Pocus

Wonderful and spectacular can't even begin to describe this riveting tale about two teenagers and a young girl who awaken three ancient witches from the grave. The Sanderson Sisters come back to life in modern Salem to suck the life out of young children to remain young and beautiful forever. A Halloween classic that is a must-see for all ages.

4. Casper

Craving something funny and witty? This is your movie. A lovable ghost befriends an outcast who discovers the true meaning of friendship. A therapist also helps three unruly ghosts discover how to restrain rudeness and meaness.

5. Halloweentown

This movie was a Disney channel favorite, highlighting that embracing differences is a positive aspect of life. Marney and her siblings follow their grandmother into another world when she visits them on Halloween. They discover something amiss in her eccentric world that they must help her defeat while discovering how to use the dormant powers that are hidden inside.

6. Ernest Scared Stupid

This movie is for older kids, in my opinion. I got frightened as a kid when watching this movie. Ernest is the town spaz who helps a couple of kids build a treehouse in the woods. He is warned by an old woman about what will happen if they trespass on that particular land, but he doesn't listen. Once the treehouse is built, Ernest mocks the old woman, reciting the ancient words that bring back an evil troll that enchants children to use their life-force to give his offspring life.

7. The Little Vampire

This is a cute movie for little kids. It follows a young boy through his journey helping a family of vampires escape death. It was one of my younger brother's favorites when he was a kid.

8. Boo to You Too! Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh is a show that I feel only 90's kids appreciate. Young kids now tend to find it boring, but I think this special is one of the greatest things for kids to watch. It teaches kids to face their fears and not let spooky things prevent us from doing the things that we love. Piglet faces his own fears regarding Halloween by dressing up as something scary. He is an inspiration to all kids.

9. Bugs Bunny's Howl-oween Special

I believe that Boomerang and Cartoon Network still air this particular special. Anyone who has watched Looney Toons knows about Bugs Bunny and his particular brand of humor. That same humor exists in this special mixed in with the spirit of Halloween.

10. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

I find this animated special intriguing due to the nature of this legend. It's particularly frightening, especially little kids: a headless horseman chases a school teacher during the night attempting to cut off his head. This still scares me and I'm 22.

11. Beetlejuice

Michael Keaton is amazing in this movie and the dark humor is incredible. A newlywed couple refurbishing their home, dies in a car accident and goes through the spirit world before returning home to find their house redecorated by a new family. They attempt to scare the newcomers off so that they may have their house back, but the attempts prove useless. They employ the help of a corpse that only appears after speaking his name 3 times. He creates chaos and mischief for everyone involved before being banished back into the spirit realm.

12.The Haunted Mansion

This isn't a Halloween specific film, but it often appears on TV during the holiday because of its subject matter: a family, on their way to the lake, makes a pit stop at a mansion that has been posted for sale. The family goes inside and is held hostage by the ghosts because the mother of the family resembles the master's deceased fiance. The family must set the ghosts free so that they may rest.

13. The Witches

The kid-friendly film follows a young boy who spies on a witch convention where he learns of a master plan that involves the witches turning all children into mice. After being turned into a mouse, the boy must find a way to fight back and defeat the witches.

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